You dirty rat!

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Jan 21, 2014
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Hate to tell you Plotter, but the rat poison you get from the DIY stores is not the same as the rat man uses, it's not the same strength!!

IMO you will be lucky to get rid of them!! :O(
Feb 11, 2007
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We were sitting in the garden when my Wife said look at the birds peanut feeder, there was this rat/mouse taking one peanut then climbing along our fence up to the gutter and disapearing into our neighbours side (semi detached chalet style)house. we watched this for some time with amusement as it was so quick in its return.However for some reason i got into the loft and saw lots of peanut shells, so placed a saucer with rat poison and water as thats what is required.Done this for a couple of weeks and saw no more evidence.Again for some reason i cannot remember i looked into the cold water tank and to my horror a dead rat/mouse.After draining i took the the thing out and it had no head !!. Of course the tank had to be disenfected.When i asked about the headless part it was suggested that as i had not topped up the saucer with water for a while it sourced our tank. As for the missing head well i will leave it to you.
Jan 2, 2006
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Well 24 hours after putting down the first tray of rat killer it had all gone without trace so at least I have the answer that yes it is a rat or more likely rats so I will keep putting it down until it no longer goes.On the TV the other day there was a programme about getting rid of rats and it seems they are canibals so they eat the bodies of their poisened mates how stupid is that because they then poison themselves,result!


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