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    • ProfJohnL
      The trailer package you mention would be for the Canadian and I presume the American market, where the trailers brakes are activated...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Battery Again.
      I'm sotty to pour cold water into this thread, but this case is perhaps a little more tricky that it first seems. On the assumption...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      As OC has suggested, the problem is the unnecessary release of CO2, rather than the capture and securing of it. Before the dawn of...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL reacted to Oscarmax's post in the thread Air pollution? with Like Like.
      Bit late to the party, in June 2020 we had our first PHEV we charged up off peak at night at 5 pence kWH our running cost dropped...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      Just looking at one factor such as the coal fired power stations can give a misleading impression. Whilst China has a poor record...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      Breathing does not come into it, as that is not an industrial function. But the way net zero would be judged is essentially...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      As Tobes days as above, As things stand at present the more fossil fuel we burn, the more carbon we release into the environment...
    • ProfJohnL
      I'm sure it does, but you will have to look either at online shops of go to caravan shops, or contact Whale the manufacturer.
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      You seem to forget that on the days where solar and or wind power produces such cheap power, those savings have been passed on to...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL reacted to RogerL's post in the thread Air pollution? with Like Like.
      We need to get away from pricing ALL energy generation based on the most expensive, then the public would see the real benefit - IMO we...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Air pollution?.
      We seem to lack a coordinated approach to energy in the UK, as usual successive governments have not taken a well balanced lead in...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL reacted to Tobes's post in the thread Air pollution? with Like Like.
      Absolutely. We need reform in the UK energy market so that the actual cost of generation is reflected in retail price paid. You can (to...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL reacted to Tobes's post in the thread Air pollution? with Like Like.
      I think we should be encouraging more solar and wind to make the UK more self sufficient! It is the only way the UK will survive into...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Air pollution? with Like Like.
      Our oil and gas are sold by the companies on their global market. No one wants to answer the question on how we could become more self...
    • ProfJohnL
      ProfJohnL replied to the thread Maypole Nose Weight Gauge.
      I am very happy to return to discussing factually based information. rather than having to try and counter personal slurs about...
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