Recent content by Andy Norfolk

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    We're using Calor propane. So I guess it's the regulator.
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    Thanks. I haven't tried the heating on gas. It's our last day here and I don't have the knowledge or confidence to try what you suggest myself. I know my limitations so I'll get it sorted when the hab check is done but I appreciate your comment.
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    Gas not flowing properly. Thought maybe the bottle was going so got a new one. Connected and seemed ok. Went to start cooking later and the issue is back, a few seconds of gas then nothing. Caravan 2 years old. Went through the manuals, possibly the gas regulator has failed? Looks like an...
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    Cost of entry

    Away near Witney. Thought we'd go to Blenheim palace. Cheapest ticket to enter £41 each!!!! There loss as we went to the Ashmolean in Oxford, £5 on the park and ride for us both. The museum is free with a request for a £10 donation.
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    Enjoy your new purchase.
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    New member old age traveller

    Welcome. Look forward to sharing your knowledge.
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    Welcome. Look forward to benefiting from your knowledge.
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    First trip of the year

    Off to Witney Oxfordshire on Sunday for 4 nights. We like to have one trip before the hab check is done that may raise any issues to be dealt with. Currently cleaning the van, checking tyre pressure etc. Going to Lincoln Park Farm. First time there, they have a special offer on at the...
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    Possibly selling our caravan…due to redundancy.

    I've also been through this. You are right to get a valuation and consider your options. But don't make any hasty decisions. If you gain additional cash from selling your caravan you may reduce your entitlement to some benefits. You may not want to take benefits but yours is a genuine...
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    Powering Fridge from Car

    We have a Thetford fridge. We were advised to put it on auto and it will use the best power source. Your gas should be turned off whilst travelling so it should automatically use the battery via the car hook up. I find it does flash when you change anything but settles down. Personally I...
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    Welcome. Lots of help on here.
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    I'm no expert! But if you have a new router you will have to reconnect the printer with the new router details. Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggy!
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    Electric water and heat

    What heating system do you have? I don't disconnect the gas pipe, I just turn the gas off at the bottle when towing.
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    Build quality

    Not sure the MH market is as buoyant as it was. We traded in our MH for a caravan 2 years ago. Nice Adria MH 2016, low mileage. Got a good trade in value. Two years later the dealer still hasn't sold it.
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    Sad day!

    We ran a holiday let in Norfolk until we moved last year. We used Sykes Cottages. I know they offered guests insurance but I don't know the cost, hopefully not too much.