Recent content by joeby

  1. J

    VAT on gas bottles refills

    over in Australia at the mo , and a 9 Kg exchange cylinder works out at £14.75 ,
  2. J

    PC Rally 2014

    i need to get booked early , as we are off to Australia for 2 months in January
  3. J

    PC Rally 2014

    near each other by all means but not segregated Whats wrong with integration , why form a clique
  4. J

    Caravan Site Pricing

    Yes that is £190 per person , but that is still a good price , i dont have to go out to eat , my alcoholic drinks are in included , i have the choice of 3 swimming pools , now you work out the price of taking your caravan abroad with all the tolls and food and fuel ,
  5. J

    Caravan Site Pricing

    we go reguarly to a former CL , which we pay £8 per night including electric , its just gone up to £8.50 , and he told us that the CC advised him to charge more , their were other things they were dictating to him , so he pulled out , and now runs this lovely site on his own . i was going there...
  6. J

    over 50s , They have it twice a year , April and September click on the link , its in events diary
  7. J

    over 50s in Newcastle Emlyn , SW Wales are continuing there special offer for the over 50s , from Monday the 9th September until Friday , you can have 4 nights including electric , for £15 , thats works out at £3.75 per night , no extra charges for cars or awnings , or dogs , large...
  8. J

    Power companies. , click on the link to read about the energy swindle , brought about by the EU , who make over 70 % of our laws , we have lost control of our own destiny
  9. J

    Power companies.

    your bills keep rising to pay for wind farms , plus they like to over estimate your payments so there is millions laying in there accounts earning interest ...
  10. J

    Hub lock V Wheel clamp

    Sorry guys its not a hub lock , its just 1 Alko wheel lock and 1 Bulldog-Max wheel lock , the type that goes through the wheel into the chasis , but he said if you havent got a Wheel clamp we cant insure you ,
  11. J

    Hub lock V Wheel clamp

    got a letter from caravan guard , this morning about caravan Insurance , so i called for a quote , and when it it came to caravan security , i said i have 2 hublocks and 1 hitchlock and its alarmed , also has a recording security camera trained on it , he said have you got a wheel clamp , i said...
  12. J

    legal theft of caravan I just couldnt believe what i was reading , a couple had there caravan stolen , but Police said they cant have it back , because it be against the human...
  13. J

    Lord B

    very rarely go on here now , glad to see your back we miss the Banter , So LB hope her ladyship has made a full recovery
  14. J

    Dirty site

    it seems to be getting more common these days , with dogs running loose , i even saw a few at the PC rally earlier in the year at Stowford , i have a small helmet cam that i clip to my window , so i can film them , one place we stayed at they had visitors with a large dog , which proceeded to...
  15. J

    PC Rally 2013

    the first thing i noticed Gafferbill was the 2 kids playing football by the caravans when there is a huge green to play on , then the other child on the bike needs to be taught some road safety , it may save his life one day , he cycled of the grass verge he only kept looking left , instead of...