Hub lock V Wheel clamp

Aug 28, 2005
got a letter from caravan guard , this morning about caravan Insurance , so i called for a quote , and when it it came to caravan security , i said i have 2 hublocks and 1 hitchlock and its alarmed , also has a recording security camera trained on it , he said have you got a wheel clamp , i said no , he said very sorry we cant insure you unless you have a wheel clamp , not that i am bothered as i am happy with the caravan club , but i always like to phone around to make sure i am getting a resonable quote , so is a Wheel clamp classified as better than a Hub lock
Aug 4, 2004
joeby said:
got a letter from caravan guard , this morning about caravan Insurance , so i called for a quote , and when it it came to caravan security , i said i have 2 hublocks and 1 hitchlock and its alarmed , also has a recording security camera trained on it , he said have you got a wheel clamp , i said no , he said very sorry we cant insure you unless you have a wheel clamp , not that i am bothered as i am happy with the caravan club , but i always like to phone around to make sure i am getting a resonable quote , so is a Wheel clamp classified as better than a Hub lock
Many insurers will not consider a Hub lock for obvious reasons. In the event of a fire you can still drag a caravan with a wheel clamp or even unlock the wheel lock mechanism. With a hub lock no chance.
Also you would need to torque the wheels every time they are fitted to prevent themn falling off 50 miles down the road. A company that uses the headline "£30,000 caravan stolen" to promote their product by scaring people, is not worthy of any one's business.
Aug 4, 2005
joeby said:
got a letter from caravan guard , this morning about caravan Insurance ,

Hi Joeby,
If it's the jsb hublock you've got have a look on their website at the insurance section:
According to that caravan guard have confirmed with them that they will accept the hublock. There is a fairly long list of other companies listed who also apparently accept the device.
I use one, have done for about 8 years, on the offside. Only use it when the van is parked up on the drive way and just use the alko when out and about. Yes it can be a bit of an inconvenience taking a wheel off and then on again to fit the hublock but it gives me peace of mind, and I do use a torque wrench when I refit the wheel.
Aug 28, 2005
Sorry guys its not a hub lock , its just 1 Alko wheel lock and 1 Bulldog-Max wheel lock , the type that goes through the wheel into the chasis , but he said if you havent got a Wheel clamp we cant insure you ,
Nov 6, 2005
Some insurers impose blind rigid rules, rather than carry out risk assessment - eg insist on Tracker rather than assess the extra premium, which is usually less than the annual Tracker subscription.
The answer, as always, is not to use insurers with T&C you regard as silly - it's not like there aren't good caravan insurers around.
Aug 4, 2004
joeby said:
Sorry guys its not a hub lock , its just 1 Alko wheel lock and 1 Bulldog-Max wheel lock , the type that goes through the wheel into the chasis , but he said if you havent got a Wheel clamp we cant insure you ,
We only fit one ALKO lock and use a Sold Secure wheel clamp on the front wheel. No issues getting the discount with the CC or Towergate.
Aug 4, 2004
Michael E said:
The caravan club insisted we use both the Alko wheel clamps or no discount.

Initially they did the same to us, but when I pointed out that Towergate had checked with their underwriters and okayed it, the CC then did the same and the underwriters were happy with it.
The first lady I spoke to at the CC was rather arrogant and almost patronising when I actually made the inquiry. When I phoned in the second time I got a young lad that was quite helpful and made the necessary inquiry resulting in the discount being applied. On renewal had the same issue but when they checked with the underwriters they made a note on the system for me to save hassles again this year.
May 7, 2012
The CC give an extra discount for the ALKO wheellock but you have to decide if it is worth the hassle of trying to line it up on site. Not sure how they work on a CC storage site. Where ours is stored they insist that the tow bar is over a plate on the ground so that they are all lined up and they can easily check if any are missing. They do have cards for the ones out being used.


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