Recent content by Michael_5066924

  1. M

    Hairline cracks in the Gel coating on front panels

    Thanks for your help, I believe my damage was caused by impact Mike
  2. M

    Hairline cracks in the Gel coating on front panels

    Wow! that's a great site for the enthusiast, hopefully I'll be able to pull something useful from it for me to give it a try. Mike
  3. M

    Hairline cracks in the Gel coating on front panels

    Thanks for this. I've been in contact but haven't as yet had a response. Mike
  4. M

    French Minicipal Camp sites

    Thanks for your help. This is another good site. I'm sure glad I asked the question. Everyone's been a great help. Mike
  5. M

    French Minicipal Camp sites

    Thank you for your assistance. These sites are amazing ! I'm trawling through them! phew Mike
  6. M

    French Minicipal Camp sites

    Thanks for your help. I'm in the C&C Club but my Brother in Law is in the Caravan Club and I think he's got those books so will take a look. Mike
  7. M

    French Minicipal Camp sites

    Thanks for your help I will go and look at that in the shops. Mike
  8. M

    French Minicipal Camp sites

    Years ago we bought a site directory for using France but I haven't been able to buy a recent copy. Anyone know where I can get one and what Title it is now?
  9. M

    Caravan cover

    We've used clingfilm for years with our old cover with no problem and never any rub marks but we've just upgraded to a new cover by Caravan Specialities Covers who recommended not to use anything and this spring I had a lot of trouble rubbing up the windows to get rid of the clouding. But I...
  10. M

    Hairline cracks in the Gel coating on front panels

    I've read the comments on the above problems that are caused by stress fractures, however, mine are caused by a small bump and I want to get them repaired without going to the expense of a replacement. Does anyone know if they can ground out (rubbibg paste),can the Gel coating be painted or is...