ú2800 PA Laptop Rental Cost

Dec 16, 2003
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A news report today says it has come to light that a 12 year Computer leasing deal has £2800 a year being paid by the Home Office for Laptops with backup to the same US company behind the IT blunders at the TAX Office and Child Support agency that has been a dsiaster itself.

So as motorists do you trust government to bring in fair Road pricing and Technology that is sensibly and reasonably priced ?

Or will the same US IT company or the like be robbing our pockets !
May 4, 2005
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After reading an artical about the new NHS system where one of the main contractors says that it will never work properly I would not trust this government to do my kids homework.

Brian (",)
Dec 16, 2003
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Whilst visiting my late father in Hospital another patient we spoke to was recently retired IT consultant having trouble with the NHS and the "fiddled" waiting lists.

The retired chap saw a computer whilst talking to staff and realised that the software and systems being used were years out of date and next to useless re inter dapartment or inter hospital communication. Communication or lack of being part of the reasion he was in Hospital along with my father and another on the ward!

The man demanded a meeting with a senior hospital manager, who seemed to believe that they were running up to date systems and could not understand the chaps concerns. The manager could not see the need to have integrated departmental and whole NHS communiction for all data.

"Ten years out of date" and "abandoned by other industries" yet the NHS the patient knew would be paying top dollar for an ineffiecient archaic system.
Jul 3, 2006
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I'm married to an NHS employee and hear the constant tales of how hospitals are forced to lie about statistics in case they lose funding, more time is spent by staff fiddling the numbers than treating patients
Dec 16, 2003
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Sister in law works for HM gov and says the same about her dept and her husband works for NHS and tells the same as your wife. My wifes in Education and knows that Sats tests are fiddled and goal posts constantly moved to make sure the Governement appears to be scoring the right goals.

Spend a few summer weeks on camp sites and get a group of teachers to open up about what is really happens in schools.

But then of course Blair and Co know best - ROFL ;-)
Jul 18, 2006
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In reference to Brian's comment, I read in the newspaper that the manager responsible for the new patient information system is not only millions over budget, the software is very very late ....

also he failed computer studies at school ...

That's encouragable, lets hope the NHS don't start employing doctors who failed biology !!!
Dec 16, 2003
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Don't be to harsh Rubix.

He has probably had a lot of his budget eaten away by the cost of having a Logo and a unique font designed along with suitable paperwork and cool looking folders and storage systems to hold it in like other Government Industries have done ;-)


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