ú4000 loss in 4 months


Aug 29, 2006
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hello, just a quick moan,

we picked up our new abbey vogue 460 in december, used it for 4 days, and now would have to take a £4000 loss if we were to part ex against a bigger one with fixed bed , or whatever van we swopped for, according to a dealer near us, (not the one we bought from). the dealer more or less said we would have to keep it, and you just dont decide to swap after 4 months. when we pointed out to him that our 24 year old daughter had a serious illness and that we were now looking after our 4 year old grandaughter and 2 year old grandson, (probably forever), and that it wasnt a decision that we were doing just for a laugh, he then continued on about loosing the vat, and something else, and didnt really want to know, the money issue is not the problem, as things have to change somehow, but where has the £4000 gone on our 2007 caravan, maybe it fell off on the way home at the weekend, (just a note, the vogue is a 2 birth).thankyou for listening to my moan.....ED
May 12, 2006
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Hi Ed,

Sorry to hear about your troubles. You may be able to get someone to do a swop with a cash adjustment either way, rather than trading your van in to a dealer. Just hang in and see what turns up.

Regards Val & Frank


Aug 29, 2006
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thankyou for your replys, we will be going back to the dealer we purchased from to get their opinion. like i said its not as much the money issue (to buy another one) as , where has that amount of money gone ,off a


Mar 14, 2005
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Ed's story just shows yet again how much the public are being ripped off by the Government.

With any new purcase, car or caravan, plus lots of other things, as soon as you sign the papers and pay the money, 17.5% goes straight to the government.

Add on the normal depreciation, which is massive in the first three years and thats where your money has gone.
Nov 9, 2006
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hi ed

sorry to read about your troubles, and i hope everything works out for you and your family in the future.That said im not a politcal man but how the hell can the people who have replied to your problem blame present goverment?Deprieciation is nothing new if you want to avoid it buy a van /car ,whatever second hand thereby the previous owners absorb all the losses not you, sad but true, accept it and move on .Those who blame this and other future goverments are only fooling theirselves,now if they were complaining about a monopoly of pricing charges at sites in the uk or the spiralling cost of road tax or fuel then yes blame the goverment of the day .Deprieciation?its not a goverment problem ask yourself one question if you were to buy second hand what would you want to pay?sorry



Mar 14, 2005
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In reply to Jim, I am not talking about depreciation being the Governments fault, if you read the post properly.

I am saying that 17.5% V.A.T is their fault, not just this one, but previous as well, and also future Governments.

The levels of stealth taxing , particularly under this current Government is bordering on the obscene, but hey, lets think its our own fault, and we just like to donate 17.5% to unworthy causes.


Aug 29, 2006
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thankyou all again, it probably will go privately, as its not the main issue at the moment, i do understand depreciation, but when it smacks you in the face like that, you get reminded of it, thankyou all
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi Ed,

That seems to be in line with our experience, however the boot was on the other shoe so to speak.

We bought our current van which was 6 months old at the time of purchase for
Dec 4, 2005
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During my positive negotiations to try and off load my year old top of the range van the dealer told me what the Glasses guide trade in value was for my van. Price new inc delivery
Nov 3, 2006
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A friend of mine was in a similar position last year, and decided not to sell at a great loss, but make the most of it instead.

She purchased a larger awning with an annexe at both ends, gave her loads more room.


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