05 Bailey pageant window seal

Apr 27, 2015
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Whilst away in the torrential downpours of a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a small amount of water leaking into my van from the front right window. We're talking a very small amount, 5mm over the course of the day perhaps. It appears to be coming in right at the top of the window and dripping onto the plastic tape fitted between the interior and exterior elements of the rubber window seal.

I've extensively tested the van with a damp meter, and am getting 10% absolutely everywhere apart from right under this window where I'm up to 14-15%. So not sodden, but marginally elevated compared to the rest of the van.

My question is is two parts really: Firstly is there any benefit to spraying silicone grease/wd40/a.n. other product onto the seal to just try and get it a to seal a bit better? Secondly is this kind of volume of water worth worrying about (or is it possible that I'm only seeing a fraction of the water getting in as it's soaking into the walls or something)?
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Jules
A common Bailey problem of the era.
Open all front windows as was as wide as they will go.
Using a wet sponge or cloth carefully wipe clean the top of the seal.You will be surprised what you find.
Once fully clean and dry apply silicone spray on all the seals..
That should fix it.
Apr 13, 2009
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:( Ive found the same with ours. I had previously done what you described Dusty. I just hope that this time it will fix it :unsure: Failing that, it's either a new seal from Bailey or perhaps a "half cover" that covers to the bottom of the windows?

Well that's all done. Couldn't fault the existing seals, not dirty or damaged as far as I can see? Just hope this works because it's absolutely pouring down again now. Ah well, it will get tested?


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