126.9 BEAT THAT =ú5.77

Nov 5, 2007
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What a bargain-----I WISH...well we are now well on the way to the £1.50 per litre price -only £6.82 a gallon

it only takes £87.00 pound now to fill my passat diesel up and with my company paying me only 11p per mile claim back i must be the only rep driving round at 56mph to break even at 52 MPG TO cover my costs.clearly the cost of fuel doesnt bother people as i see very little evidence of people driving ecconoical so please all soon look forward to the £2.00 a litre.
Dec 13, 2007
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Hi Boing Boing

are you aware that you are possibly able to set any losses against tax, might be worth talking to an accountant or look at the C&R website and save you a few quid
Mar 14, 2005
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Dear Boing Boing,

If you come down to the West Country and find an Audi A6 plodding along on the dual carriageways at 60 mph (and 50mph on the single carriageways) you are following someone who just hates the thought of giving that pile of Poo in Downing Street one penny more than I have to.

During yesterday, I lost count of the vehicles flying past (including a 38tonner doing 80mph). No doubt all of them complaining to all that will listen about how the government is ripping them off.

Aug 28, 2007
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Boing Boing (WBA fan by any chance?) dont forget to download the form P87 from the HMRC website. If you are using a car for company business, then you can claim the difference between what the company pays you and 40p.
Jul 22, 2005
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On Monday my husband asked me when i was passing the petrol station could i fill up of course (not my most favourite thing to do) the station was blocked off with cones the tanker was refilling, the price 119.9p i waited as a staff member said the tanker was nearly finished. Would you believe that before they opened the station back up to the public they increased the price of the diesel to 121.9p!! to say i lost the plot would be mild i was spitting nails - greedy robbing g*ts i told them to keep the diesel and drove to the next town where i purchase diesel at 118.9 how can there be such a big difference. calmed down now, rant over i feel much better!! :)

Apr 13, 2005
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our local morrisons in bredbury has put its diesel up to 120.9 today which is the third 1 penny increase this week, the other local independant garage has allways kept its prices level with morrisons but this week it has increased its diesel to 123.9 and the local gossip is that they are allmost bankrupt and know that being 2 pence more expensive will definately put them out of business but they have no choice.

Unfortunately once the independants go the supermarkets will have the monopoly they are striving for and fuel will rocket faster than ever.

I read somewhere last year that a survey had found most people would be unwilling to give up driving untill fuel reached
Apr 13, 2005
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just come home from work and morrissons in bredbury have put another 2 pence on the price of fuel, thats 7 pence in seven days it now stands at
Mar 14, 2005
To put your mind at ease, Icemaker, yes the price is rising just as quick over here on the Continent. It is very volatile and petrol is around 1.50 Euros per litre locally here in Germany at the moment. When I filled up last Tuesday I paid 1.37. Since then it went up to 1.44 then back down a bit and up again in leaps and bounds. If you're lucky you can just catch it when it drops a couple of cents but it means watching prices almost by the hour.
Mar 14, 2005
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I too drive for economy and very puzzled that I seem to be the only driver doing so, either they are driving company cars or the are earning very good money.
May 19, 2008
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129.9 in a Texaco between home and work. Everytime I drive past it the price seems to go up by 1p! I'm going to find another way home soon to see if it stops the increases :)
Apr 13, 2005
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well it appears that im "lucky" according to my local newspaper manchester has the cheapest diesel in the country ! supose i had better stop complaining then lol.

ive re typed the article below (to avoid copywrite) for all to read, the bit that worries me is brendan from petrolprices.com saying we have not seen the worst of it yet.

BELIEVE it or not - despite the soaring prices at the pumps, Manchester's diesel prices are amongst the lowest in the country.

According to figures released by the AA, even at an average of 123.5p per litre, north-west England has the cheapest diesel available.

However between mid-April and mid-May road users across the country have seen the highest month-on-month increase in the price of diesel this decade.

Over the last month, the average price of diesel rose 6.76p to 124.17p per litre. The previous record rise of 5.6p a litre occurred between October and November last month.

The average cost of petrol has risen by 4.49p a litre over the last month, averaging 112.5p per litre nationwide.

In the last week alone, petrol has risen by 1.73p a litre and diesel by 2.66p

AA President Edmund King said: "The price rises in recent days were of a magnitude only exceeded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when the price of petrol rose almost 3.5p in a week.


"With many UK families embarking on their holidays next week, the timing could hardly be worse.

"What alarms us most is the stream of comments coming from the industry and producers saying that oil is over-priced - the finger of blame being pointed at market speculators.

"Oil prices have doubled since last year and this is not just due to strong demand from China and other nations. While huge profits are made in the financial centres, an increasing number of car-owners are becoming desperate and businesses suffer from the hit on consumer spending."

Brendan McLoughlin, Managing Director of petrol price comparison site petrolprices.com fears the increases show no sign of slowing down.

He said: "As shocking as these price rises are, the worst is yet to come. These rises are the result of high oil prices, pushed up by market traders, the weak dollar, increased demand and supply uncertainties.

"The American 'driving season' is just starting, which will increase demand even further and push prices up over here even more.

"Even if diesel prices stayed the same for the next month, which is highly unlikely, the average two car family's fuel bill would be around
Nov 26, 2006
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Unfortunately retyping does not avoid breach of copyright - you are still copying! (Though I doubt if they would care in this case).

A weak dollar results in lower fuel prices - oil is priced in dollars, so if the dollar is weak, your pound buys more dollars and hence more oil. In fact the problem (in this respect) is that the pound is weak against the dollar - so buys less dollars and hence less oil.

Once the price passed
May 21, 2008
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One thing I can`t understand, is why has the diesel price overtaken petrol. Has it suddenly become more difficult or expensive to refine. I don`t think so, more like, as the rise in the popularity of diesel small vehicles, greed on behalf of the oil companies has taken over. Aided and abetted by the Government of course, for their cut. In the late 60`s, I bought an old Mothers Pride, Ford Transit Diesel bread van and converted it to a motor caravan. At the time, diesel was harder to get, but a lot cheaper than petrol, which was cheap anyway. Where will it end.


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