I can see what you are saying Chrisbee but if you had killed that person, what then? The fact of the matter is you committed a crime, whether manslaughter or murder. You planned the confrontation so should have expected trouble. The police and child care agencies should have been informed before the confrontation.
What this debate boils down to is should offenders be sent to prison. A couple think not, it's not a deterrent, Lutz calls it vengeance. As I stated before I agree it's no deterrent because life is so soft behind bars as the prisoners will admit themselves and have done so publicly.
What I do find amazing though is no one else has mentioned an alternative. The prison reformers have been trying alternatives since the 70s and still haven't solved public disorder. Infact it is even worse.
Now is the time for the pendulum to swing the other way. The left-wing softies have had their chance and have failed on all counts miserably.
What this debate boils down to is should offenders be sent to prison. A couple think not, it's not a deterrent, Lutz calls it vengeance. As I stated before I agree it's no deterrent because life is so soft behind bars as the prisoners will admit themselves and have done so publicly.
What I do find amazing though is no one else has mentioned an alternative. The prison reformers have been trying alternatives since the 70s and still haven't solved public disorder. Infact it is even worse.
Now is the time for the pendulum to swing the other way. The left-wing softies have had their chance and have failed on all counts miserably.