4 x 4 Drivers

Apr 24, 2005
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I would like to take this opportunity to remind some caravanners who tow with 4x4 vehicles that the 60mph speed limit for towing does in fact apply to them too. This reminder

especially applies to the BMW X5 driver c/w a ruddy great twin axle that sped past humble little old me in my Mondeo estate towing my measly old Sprite up the M5 yesterday. I think you were doing around 80ish. Come on then, defend your actions, in fact come on anyone and defend his sort if you can.

One word.........SELFISH.
Mar 14, 2005
I think you're unfairly attributing speeding with 4x4's. There's a good chance that anyone with a powerful car, whether it be a 4x4 or not, would be tempted to go faster than he or she should.
Mar 14, 2005
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Tony, I can't defend anyone who tows at 80 mph. I have though just returned from York to Dorset via the M1/M40 /A34 etc. I cruised most of the way at 55 -60 and was overtaken by a large number of vans doing over 60 which were towed by all sorts of cars, the majority of which were not 4x4's.

When travelling in France on the autoroutes the vast majority of caravans that are travelling in excess of 60mph are towed by saloon cars.

If I wasn't a cynic I might think you were trying to start a 4x4 debate going but perhaps you were genuinly concerned about what you saw.
Mar 14, 2005
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There was a time, not too long ago, when solo drivers generally ignored speed limits but caravanners rarely ever exceeded them, even with oufits which clearly had the power to do so.

Nowadays more drivers stick to solo speed limits but more caravanners seem to ignore them.

In the late '80s, I used to drive everywhere solo at 95mph in the belief, probably mistaken, that I wouldn't lose my licence at below 100 mph. But towing I always stuck to 60, as I still do.

My solo limit gradually came down to 70, and I still tow at 60 but I'm so often overtaken when towing by other caravanners who also seem to disregard the 3rd/4th lane ban on motorways.
Mar 14, 2005
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You have got to admire their persistancy tho' Lutz.

Can't help but FEEL the envy oozing from Tony.

"Humble little old Tony" vs - the big bad BMW X5
Apr 5, 2005
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One word .......... JEALOUS.
people towing caravans that are too heavy for their cars give "us caravanners" a bad name. we tow with a kia sorrento and as long as it is safe to do so we will overtake at 60 mph plus. i would rather do this than get stuck behind someone elses caravan or a hgv. i can say with pride that we drove safely from northern germany to cote d' azur in 2 days only being overtaken once near lyon by another kia sorrento.
Sep 2, 2005
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Oh dear. Our friend Tony has touched a bit of a raw nerve here.

He is making a valid point about some caravanners (not all 4x4 drivers are madbrains after all) but perhaps should have mentioned big saloons too. The point is that speed limits are there for a reason. Driving slowly usually just annoys people but driving too fast invariably endangers them. We should all be mature about this and take on board the point that Tony was trying to make, safety should concern all of us, better to be 20 minutes late in this world than 20 years early in the next.
Apr 24, 2005
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Thanks for that Morman, nice to see a bit of sense. How about a link from this site to MaxPower.com.

Oh another incident that occured the other day. On dual carriageway solo doing 40 in 40 limit, bloke drives past at @50 talking on his Mobile, it looked like a Motorola Razr or suchlike. Oops shouldn't have mentioned anything, i've only got a 3310.
Jan 21, 2014
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Thanks for that Morman, nice to see a bit of sense. How about a link from this site to MaxPower.com.

Oh another incident that occured the other day. On dual carriageway solo doing 40 in 40 limit, bloke drives past at @50 talking on his Mobile, it looked like a Motorola Razr or suchlike. Oops shouldn't have mentioned anything, i've only got a 3310.
Not in a 4x4 I hope.
May 21, 2008
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I throw a curved ball in here.

I had to dash back from Cornwall the other week and did 225 miles in 3hours 10 mins in the car (solo).

But the same route with the van took 5 hours plus.

Cars and caravans (trailers of all discriptions) are NOT the toys to fool with, no matter how many wheels you have driving them. It's the nut behind the wheel that determines how dangerous they are. (Me included).

Just a foot note on the high speed driving though, I have been trained to ROSPA catagory A and it was early hours of the morning, I would not attempt the average speed of 75mph at any other time and I did not need to "hone my skills at 159mph"
Mar 29, 2005
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As a regular user of motorways in my job, I find very few caravan units exceeding the speed limits. However when I do see them they are not allways being towed by 4x4's (No I am not a 4x4 owner) One thing I do see regularly is a family car towing a small trailer and with young family on board(in the car) exceeding the speed limits and using the outside lane. Perhaps I have mis-interpreted the regulations but I allways thought that trailered vehicles could not use the third lane of a motorway or dual carriageway. Surely this kind of behaviour on the roads is far dangerous than someone towing a caravan 5 mph above the legal limit
Mar 14, 2005
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Graham, I always find it interesting whilst travelling on the autoroutes in France to notice these trailers travelling at 80mph or so. It's amazing how many you then come across further along on the hard shoulder with a blow out. Those little tyres must be going like the clappers and getting very hot.
Mar 14, 2005
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at least 4x4 drivers are being responsible when they tow.the amount of outfits i have seen, where the car concerned would hardly pull a fish out of the water never mind tow the caravan its towing.these are the irresponsible people.
Mar 14, 2005
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WELL SAID Klarky. I have seen gross stupidity by caravaners of all kinds NOT just 4x4 drivers.

What would Tony have titled his rather one sided Topic if the twin axle had been towed by a large people carrier?

Would it have been "PEOPLE CARRIER DRIVERS"?

No - I do not think so - just another "anti" scrabling for that Moral High Ground again.


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