Sorry, can't wait for an answer.I had an 'incident' recently with one of these 4 wheel drive vehicles.
Entering a narrow road, with cars parked on one side, I got about half way along it, when this huge black 4 wheel drive appeared from a side turning.
The driver saw me coming, deliberately turned right in front of me, and then drove to within about 6 inches of my front bumper. He clearly had no intention of reversing, and was making 'pushing' gestures with his hands as if to say "Get out of my way".
I declined, wherupon, he jumped out of it, and came to my side window and said, I'm not backing up pal, so if you don't move that F*****g thing, then I'll punch your f*****g face flat". Big, arrogant fellow, obviously thought that he was the king of the road'. Just the type that spoils it for all the decent 4 wheel drivers out there.
That was where he made a big mistake.
What a shame for him that my unmarked traffic car was fitted with the very latest in video and sound recording technology, and that my passenger and I had time to spare!
We get a lot of complaints about drivers like this. If you have the opportunity to do so, deal with such incidents immediately by phoning 999 and giving the registration of the vehicle to the police. Often these sort of aggressive and intimidating drivers have been drinking, which is why they behave like they do, and can quickly be detained. As in this case.
So why did your post mention very clearly a 4x4, and what has the colour of the vehicle have to do with it? You say it was black, are you trying to insinuate that all black cars are driven by the characters that you describe? Would you have mentioned the colour if it had been yellow? Once a gain it's an inflammatory post against offroaders, what's the problem? Do you think the world would be a better place without them? If so, when you have that RTA or stumble while out fell walking or get stuck in the snow and ice or need towing off that farmers field or can't have that lovely caravan you always wanted because it's too heavy for your Ford Escort and many other uses not mentioned, please don't feel aggrieved when one does not turn up and your left there wondering why?