4x4 convert

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Aug 28, 2005
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Oh Clive - here we go again - you have made me come back on line when I promised to ignore silly and insulting comments - which generally come from your direction - I seem to remember when we locked horns a few months ago that you were against people calling other members names just because they had a differing opinion to yourself - but your arrogance seemed to have grown and you see fit to put people down and call them names just because they do not want to own the same car as you - and quite frankly Clive I would not want anything that you had especially your attitude.

Game on Clive ......

Aug 28, 2005
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Mod, Perhaps if people did not throw names about just because other forum members had differing opinions other people would not get so cross. Also can I ask why CliveV can throw names about but when I called somebody a half wit I had a slap on the wrists? I am sure that this is a very fair forum and that all members are treated the same?
Apr 10, 2006
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The comment is aimed at all the users. Personal attacks of any kind are not allowed on the forum and they will be deleted.

Please remember this when posting.
Aug 28, 2005
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Mod - surely attacks on mass are just as bad as personal attacks? I find it strange that you can call a whole forum a name but not one individual - I think that it is just down to who you want to chastise and who you feel makes more contribution and stirs up issues - because I am sure that if anyone else had said that it would have been a problem. Everybody should be treated the same
Mar 14, 2005
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Mod - surely attacks on mass are just as bad as personal attacks? I find it strange that you can call a whole forum a name but not one individual - I think that it is just down to who you want to chastise and who you feel makes more contribution and stirs up issues - because I am sure that if anyone else had said that it would have been a problem. Everybody should be treated the same
MH - It was not aimed at you personally. Let's just move on.
Aug 28, 2005
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Clive you champion Disco's and slate other cars - you think that they are the best 4x4 - which is an opinion you are entitled to - just accept that other people believe there are alternatives out there - please do not get into a row with my hubby again as I have now got the forum bug back again after defending his corner!
Apr 10, 2006
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The thread and discussion can continue, only one message has been deleted so far, and as this was not yours I cannot see how you can call it biased. Any further attacking comments from any member aimed at any other members will be deleted regardless of who posted.

All that has been asked is that you follow the rules of the forum and refrain from personal attacks.
Jan 19, 2008
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Clive you champion Disco's and slate other cars - you think that they are the best 4x4 - which is an opinion you are entitled to - just accept that other people believe there are alternatives out there - please do not get into a row with my hubby again as I have now got the forum bug back again after defending his corner!
oooooooooo ....... I'm hiding, dont want the wrath of any woman even if I'm not involved in the debate. I've had enough of suffering Her Ladyship over the years when she's been pms'ing.
Aug 28, 2005
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oooooooooo ....... I'm hiding, dont want the wrath of any woman even if I'm not involved in the debate. I've had enough of suffering Her Ladyship over the years when she's been pms'ing.
Lord this is a good day!!! Just don't mess with my family and I am relatively tame!
Mar 14, 2005
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Please note that I NEVER "slate" other cars - If anything I have championed the individuals choice more than any other.

I do feel that 4x4's are superior for towing (as Lisa will confirm when he Mondeo could not handle the wet grass at Lickhill this Easter) Even Volvo I respect for producing great cars - even saying how disappointed I am that they did not respond better to the fire problem they seem to have.

What I am more than happy to do is put a
Aug 28, 2005
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Also Clive if you read my husbands original post he did say that he would have LR if he was green laning every weekend but he would have a defender. He does not have a problem with LR products some are good and some are appalling like all things in life ah Clive?
Aug 28, 2005
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Whys that are you not brave enough to actually say what you want to say - come on Clive don't dance around the houses if you want to say something say it!! Oh and by the way don't shout at me. (never in capitals) in case you were wondering.
Mar 14, 2005
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Having seen the fun people had on their first ever greenlaning day, seen the problems with the Galaxy and heard about Lisa's problem with the Mondeo on the wet grass, Lolly seemed pleased to consider a Discovery. The screams of exitment from some were a joy to hear!

Like I said - and Lolly inferred - we all new that certain people would pop up with the "you don't wanna do that" responce.

And we all new who they would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 28, 2005
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And good on her for choosing what she wanted - she may be back on here in 6 months time saying it's great or indeed saying it is appalling who knows? And like you said we all knew who would be against it as well as for it Clive didn't we? So shall we just leave it there as my husband would like to come back on line to have a look - I'm afraid no offer of a kiss this time Clive! We really should get together sometime over a bottle of chablis I think you and I would need more than one referee - mind you if we were all the same with the same opinions it would be a very boring world! I am sure we shall lock horns again and perhaps we should'nt leave it so long next time.... Yours Monkey x p.s where's my apology for shouting!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey, where did Mod 3 come from? I wasn't made aware that there is a Moderator 3 and as such demand to know how this person was elected before myself! Besides that, we already have a Mod 3.

Not in all the years of attending this forum, have I ever been so insulted, passed over for a Moddy job, well I never. I shall be seeking guidance from my local MP at the earliest convenience.

Monkey? Could you do us all a favour, see about getting separate log on names for yourself and your hubby? I know you usually try to say which one it is (yourself/hubby) but it can prove confusing just the same.

A real Moddy would have sorted that out anyway.......

PS Landrovers are great, almost as good as Sorento's, high praise indeed!
Mar 14, 2005
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GLASS is happy to help again next time Lol!

I also hope to arrange a serious off road session (as opposed to gentle green-laning) but it may not appeal to all as it is classified as a form of motor sport and passengers (I would NOT be using my own car!) have to sign a disclaimer!
Mar 14, 2005
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And good on her for choosing what she wanted - she may be back on here in 6 months time saying it's great or indeed saying it is appalling who knows? And like you said we all knew who would be against it as well as for it Clive didn't we? So shall we just leave it there as my husband would like to come back on line to have a look - I'm afraid no offer of a kiss this time Clive! We really should get together sometime over a bottle of chablis I think you and I would need more than one referee - mind you if we were all the same with the same opinions it would be a very boring world! I am sure we shall lock horns again and perhaps we should'nt leave it so long next time.... Yours Monkey x p.s where's my apology for shouting!!
No apology required as I use the upper case for emphasis only - this is because underlining is not possible.

As I understand it - this is within accepted Forum Protocol