A bit hairy

Jul 18, 2017
Today coming back from Malvern along a back road on a bend we encountered black ice. Luckily I was not going too fast so recovered quickly. Sadly our neighbour's son hit black ice while on his motorcycle and came a right cropper and had to be taken to A&E. Bad cuts on his leg, but otherwise okay. No issue with the bike. Anyone else had issues with black ice?
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Nov 11, 2009
Today coming back from Malvern along a back road on a bend we encountered black ice. Luckily I was not going too fast so recovered quickly. Sadly our neighbour's son hit black ice while on his motorcycle and came a right cropper and had to be taken to A&E. Bad cuts on his leg, but otherwise okay. No issue with the bike. Anyone else had issues with black ice?
Yes when we lived in Cumbria and Dartmoor we would come across black ice especially where water run off from. adjacent ground had frozen.
Sep 23, 2023
I usually notice black ice whilst navigating /avoiding pot holes,,Hope the lads ok,,done it a couple of times on motorbikes years ago,,mind there wasn't an abundance of pot holes then
Jul 18, 2017
I usually notice black ice whilst navigating /avoiding pot holes,,Hope the lads ok,,done it a couple of times on motorbikes years ago,,mind there wasn't an abundance of pot holes then
A few years ago we hit black ice while towing the caravan. The sun was out and you could not see the black ice due to the shadow cast by the trees. Put a 6" dent in the back of the caravan.
Mar 14, 2005
Hit a patch one morning on A46 near Old Sodbury, turned into downhill left hand bend in LWB Shogun, involuntary off roading followed,ended up on opposite side of the road half in a ditch, managed to drive out, but very lucky as car had crossed the road, no traffic coming , otherwise could have been much worse, only damage was cracked rear bumper and snapped fence post, oh and severely bruised ego!!
Jan 3, 2012
We also had black ice in Lincolnshire our bungalow on a corner a friend coming down road signal to go left but when he put brake on he carried a bit further but lucky he was not going fast, and he corrected it and there no one coming the other way or behind him .
Jun 20, 2005
Yesterday most of Bath was under snow, a good two+ inches near the University. The drive down into Bath from the M4 was very pretty.
This morning the temperature was showing minus 2.5 deg C. The roads were glistening in the sunlight and therein lies the hidden black ice. The gritters have been out and around the main Cirencester roads seemed safe.

Once you hit black ice there’s very little you can . Do nothing violently , keep the wheels turning .
Jun 16, 2020
Once you hit black ice there’s very little you can . Do nothing violently , keep the wheels turning .
My route to work went along a country lane, I came around a corner slowly, to see a car out of control. It was only going walking pace but nevertheless completely out of control. They even overshot their driveway. However, the did manage to stop. They just used my car as a bumper.


Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
When we live in Canada, black ice was a regular occurence. One evening I followed my wife home, she in her car, me in mine. Suddenly and for no apparent reason on a straight stretch of the road she spun through 180 degrees, across the road into the oncoming traffic. Fortunately into a gap between two cars. All stopped and then she got going again and carried on as normal.

Lots more similar tales but we survived each one.
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