A change from Butane to Propane.

Jan 6, 2008
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I have been using butane gas for some time now. But in cold weather been having problems getting gas through into the system of the caravan.

So on asking around other caravaners as you do. Most people seem to use propane. I have just purchased one 6gk bottle exchange and it cost me £18.99p is that about the right price because Butane is a lot cheaper?

Regards Steve
Jan 31, 2008
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Sounds about right. Butane is not only cheaper, you get a kilo more of gas, it burns hotter than Propane and lasts longer.

I have 1 Butane and 1 Propane in my locker with a changeover switch. I use Butane most all the time, only switching over to Propane if the Butane runs out and while I get it changed or during really cold weather. It's very rare I need to use Propane in this country, even in the winter. It would have to be really cold before I use Propane.


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