A message to Alex Newby

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Mar 14, 2005
Oh I agree with you 100% Tina - Its the "Don't confuse me with the facts - my mind is made up!" tribe that cause the most hassle.

In this office when I get back from using the caravan - all the guys come and sit really close - just for a laugh because thats what they think living in a caravan must be like. - No space and we all have to move arround like synchronised swimmers.

I see the funny side and have a laugh as well. Then I poke fun at a couple of the guys who spend good money trying to knock a little ball into a lot of holes using a variety of funny shaped sticks! Wierd - what is the sence of that? It's a funny game named after a german car I think.

People are funny arn't they.
Golf Clive! It's called GOLF! Try it, you might like it. Mind, I do wonder where the name golf came from, is it coincidence that if you read it backwards, it means something else not entirely dissimilar.
Mar 14, 2005
Clive just to add to what you said about that weird game where you hit a ball to walk miles to find it only to hit it again ! A lad I work with has just spent
Mar 14, 2005
Certainly if my postings attacking what I believe to be outrageous antics and verbal bullying of the "Anti's" offends anyone (apart from the Anti's themselves of course) then I am truly sorry for you but make no apology for my actions whatsoever.

But I would ask that the accusations made by these "anti's" be taken into consideration. I have NEVER met anything so vile and vindictive.

I defend Caravanning on a 4x4 and Land Rover Forums from nothing more than light hearted banter in the main. But make no mistake there are far more guys like "Peed" out there that would be more than happy to see us banned. But generaly there is NO fanatiscm or vitriol in the postings that have a go at us guys with "white sheds on wheels".

My goodness how different it is on this Forum. Up until recently the "silent majority" just wished it would go away. Thankfully a few more people with backbone have started to stand up to the childish antics.

And that is what it is - childish. Every time they have been proved to be quoting incorrect drivel they make personal attacks on the Forum members who dare to cross them.

As I have said earlier - I have defended our right to tow our caravans behind us against those who would like US BANNED from doing so and it is my estimation that far more motorists think caravans are a ruddy nuisance than 4x4's are.

If the Anti's get their way - it may be 4x4's today and caravans tomorrow. Or possibly vice versa - who can say who will be successful first?
truly sorry, but make no apology??????? its the little details that count!
Apr 11, 2005
Clive just to add to what you said about that weird game where you hit a ball to walk miles to find it only to hit it again ! A lad I work with has just spent
Jan 19, 2008
SORRY ! that was a genuine comment, reads a bit wrong !
My birthday is Christmas Day Tina and now all it means to me is I'm another year older and I hate the dark early nights as well. I could never be an owl in another life :O(
Jan 19, 2008
Err Brian....I think your threads been hijacked
This is what happens in real life, not just on the net. At work we would start off maybe talking about overtime and end up whether theres life on other planets or whats at the end of the Solar System without breaking the continuity. In everyday life its called conversation/debating. Some are proficient at it, some are not. As long as there no arguing or nastiness what is wrong with it?
Mar 14, 2005
Certainly if my postings attacking what I believe to be outrageous antics and verbal bullying of the "Anti's" offends anyone (apart from the Anti's themselves of course) then I am truly sorry for you but make no apology for my actions whatsoever.

But I would ask that the accusations made by these "anti's" be taken into consideration. I have NEVER met anything so vile and vindictive.

I defend Caravanning on a 4x4 and Land Rover Forums from nothing more than light hearted banter in the main. But make no mistake there are far more guys like "Peed" out there that would be more than happy to see us banned. But generaly there is NO fanatiscm or vitriol in the postings that have a go at us guys with "white sheds on wheels".

My goodness how different it is on this Forum. Up until recently the "silent majority" just wished it would go away. Thankfully a few more people with backbone have started to stand up to the childish antics.

And that is what it is - childish. Every time they have been proved to be quoting incorrect drivel they make personal attacks on the Forum members who dare to cross them.

As I have said earlier - I have defended our right to tow our caravans behind us against those who would like US BANNED from doing so and it is my estimation that far more motorists think caravans are a ruddy nuisance than 4x4's are.

If the Anti's get their way - it may be 4x4's today and caravans tomorrow. Or possibly vice versa - who can say who will be successful first?
Your grasp of the Queens English is a good as ever!!

I am truly sorry FOR THEM, but make NO APPOLOGY for my actions.
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry it's taken me a while to respond: I've been away doing a travel feature for the magazine.

I think it's a huge pity that the Forum is being used for anything but caravanners exchanging information, advice and ideas about caravanning. The best advice I can give at the moment is that users simply ignore any provocative emails from those who are abusing the website - avoid the temptation even to write a couple of words in response, because this will only encourage more behaviour of this sort. If you completely ignore the abusive messages and make sure that you yourselves only write with helpful, positive messages about caravanning, then there's a chance that any troublemakers will give up. As soon as you react to any personal remarks, you encourage more attention-seeking or provocative comments. It will take a bit of self-control not to respond in some cases, but it could work so let's try it. Alex Newby
Jan 19, 2008
Totally agree, and as I've said in previous posts by responding is giving them the attention they so crave. It's like oxygen to them, don't respond and starve them of that oxygen and like a carbuncle starved of it's blood supply they will disappear.
Mar 21, 2005
Your grasp of the Queens English is a good as ever!!

I am truly sorry FOR THEM, but make NO APPOLOGY for my actions.
"Your grasp of the Queens English is a good as ever!!

I am truly sorry FOR THEM, but make NO APPOLOGY for my actions."

".... is AS good as ever ........" and only one P in apology
Jul 30, 2005
I've tried this technique but CliveV still keeps hassling me, so it don't work.

I am now feeling truly victimised by Clive all because I don't agree with 4x4's on moral grounds.
Mar 14, 2005
Totally agree, and as I've said in previous posts by responding is giving them the attention they so crave. It's like oxygen to them, don't respond and starve them of that oxygen and like a carbuncle starved of it's blood supply they will disappear.
OK Lord B - lets give it a try! Not sure about the starve a carbuncle of oxygen bit - love the metaphor but the medics say lancing is often best.
Dec 16, 2003
Fully agree and support your views. I used to look at the forum every night and enjoy taking part. Now I usually try only once a week and as soon as i read garbage I come out. The moderator has to rapidly weed out the writers of garbage even if he has to resort to a time delay before postings are displayed in order to filter out the offensive and inappapropriate chat.
Mar 16, 2005
Oh, can the moderator reset my original password please? That way I can use my real email address.
Please email me with your preferred contact email address, username and password.


Jan 19, 2008
OK Lord B - lets give it a try! Not sure about the starve a carbuncle of oxygen bit - love the metaphor but the medics say lancing is often best.
Ummmm Clive, I said starve it of its blood supply although oxygen is carried in the blood and lancing is to remove the pus (dead white cells thats been fighting the infection).
Sep 15, 2005
Well, I was actually going to post something along the same lines until I saw this thread. I am new to this forum...but not to caravanning. Most letters to Caravan magazines seem to be from Victor Meldrew types, who are either constantly moaning about something, or sending in ridiculous top tips on how to re use toilet paper. I cannot believe the peurile, goading comments I have seen from some on this forum. Well said Brian...this forum is likely to turn people off in their droves if they think all caravanners are like the aforementioned mentalists.
Mar 14, 2005
Well, I was actually going to post something along the same lines until I saw this thread. I am new to this forum...but not to caravanning. Most letters to Caravan magazines seem to be from Victor Meldrew types, who are either constantly moaning about something, or sending in ridiculous top tips on how to re use toilet paper. I cannot believe the peurile, goading comments I have seen from some on this forum. Well said Brian...this forum is likely to turn people off in their droves if they think all caravanners are like the aforementioned mentalists.
Can we have a copy, of this mentalist list? Only I would like to know if "online" buddies or myself are on there. It may save quite a lot of embarrassment, if we know not to entertain certain contributors.

Best Regards Victor.
Jul 7, 2005
Hi, Alex

couldn't agree more, I am only replying today because I have decided to return to the forum after a couple of Months absense. I used to check everyday in case I could offer advice or help to genuine enquiries but got fed up with every comment or contributor being ridiculed. The anti caravanning brigade can do this without our help. I am not against light hearted banter but when it becomes personal it's gone too far. I hope people take your advice so that the rest of us can get on with our hobby. And through this forum exchange ideas and offer advice to caravaners or prospective caravaners who need help. Don't forget we were all new to it at sometime. Finally remember that people from all walks of life access this forum, not all log on and like myself more often than not simply browse. I wonder what impression we have on them?



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