A society with double standards.

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Jan 19, 2008
Sadly the only politician who had the guts to speak out is now dead but I think his words will be proven to be true. I think I will get out my ouija board tonight and try and contact him.

Is anyone there ....... is that you knocking Enoch????
Mar 14, 2005
LB, just imagine what sort of a country we'd have had with Enoch for home secretary, and John Howard for prime minister!
May 12, 2006
I think everyone coming to this country should have to sing " I Vow to Thee my Country " and be draped in the Union Flag. If the lie detector they are coupled up to so much as blinks, they should be repatriated whence they came.

Val & Frank
Feb 11, 2007
LB, just imagine what sort of a country we'd have had with Enoch for home secretary, and John Howard for prime minister!
Just think , no more aggro,NHS has suffient funds,and so on .Heard that expression "glad i'm on the way out and not in".


Nov 12, 2009
Carole & myself live in a town with a very high proportion of immigrants and I hold views which may be considered by some to be racist. While I would never go out of my way to harm or show a lack of respect for anyone it seems to me that the rest of the U.K. are now slowly but surely learning the lesson that we in the West Midlands have known about since the late 1960s. I have many friends and aquaintences who are Sikh, Hindu and Afro Carribean( they prefer to be called black, referring to another thread) The ones that I know are hardworking, taxpaying aspirational people with nice families and well kept homes. They want to be us. I have never had a conversation of any sort with a Muslim in my whole life! When any terrorist outrage is commited that affect British citizens the police draft extra officers in to the area known for its Taliban leanings to keep them & the local populace apart. If there are ever any recources provided by the local council the indigenous population are at the bottom of the list which is why we have Muslim recource centres & Muslim womens aid centres. My father had to sell his house at a substancial loss when 20 or more Muslim males moved next door. Governments should learn from the mistakes of history that give rise to situations in extreme cases similar to that which existed in nazi Germany, Palestine, Yugoslavia etc.
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

interesting subect this and I thought this forum was politicly correct enforced by the mods who seem delete every comment that might be a little near the nuckle or cause any offence shows how wrong I was.

however I am glad to see this tread running on as there is a lot of truth out there that is definitly not politically correct.

after all we are all in a minority in some way as well as being

in the majority in some other way.

pressure groups who wish to put over a minority view point can only be countered by active resistance not by the silent majority keeping quiet while all there arguements go unchallenged to a point where the only comments aired are theirs and there view point is the only one accepted as true.

do you accecpt this??. no well try this for size.

I am in a minority but dont have a voice why?? BECAUSE:-

I am white

I am male

I am hetrosexual

I am late middleaged not retired

I am agnostic in faith

I am able bodied

I am a manual worker that does not belong to a union

I was born and bred here

I pay my taxes

I smoke

I do not have any small children

get the picture there is no pressure group for me or others like me or laws to protect my rights.

however IF I was a :- black muslim immigrant gay disabled femail with loads of kids that could scrounge on the tax I have paid all my life that would be something else would it not.

and if I dared to say something not considered P.C. I would be branded as a male chauvanist muslim hating racist that hates kids and should be locked up and the key thrown away.

this is the modern britain I live in good isn't it.



Nov 12, 2009
Some very telling points are being made on this and some of the other threads that I've come across on this forum. Consider this though Colin from Yorkshire. I, like you , am middle aged & have no small children. Although I am now disabled I spent most of my working life punching wagons up and down the highways and byways of Britain. I, too, class myself as a member of the silent majority. The big difference nowadays is that even on an innocuous caravan forum like this views that I have heard repeatedly expressed by word of mouth up and down the country are being given a much wider airing nowadays thanks to the internet. One wonders how much longer longer the politicians can keep the genie in the bottle. Just imagine what must be being said on websites wholly given over to discussing such matters.
Jan 19, 2008
Agree with you 100% colin but it's not the indigenous population that breeds racism, it's the government and their policies. When the indigenous population see that they are becoming the underclass simply because the government hands out our taxes so that immigrants dont become disenfranchised they must expect problems. Multi-culturism does not work, never has worked or will work, it's been proved throughout history. If we have to have immigrants they must integrate into our society and culture, learn our language and respect OUR culture. We don't owe them anything, they owe us so must follow OUR laws and not their own Sharia laws. I want to see the Muslim community hand over these terrorists and show the rest of Britain that they would like to live in peace and their agenda isn't the Islamisation of Britain as some of the radicals preach.


Nov 12, 2009
Both Colin and Lord B. both spot on. We've seen it coming here for years. It makes you think when you have people who came here some time back and have made the effort to integrate are also saying enough is enough. I hear that regularly from the ones I mentioned earlier.
Aug 25, 2006
Had to laugh.

I was accused of being `racist` by my boss for holding views similar to Colin and L.B.

I found this funny as he lives in a very affluent area of Cheshire where there is no immigrant population, and no `issues` such as no-go areas in his town. I did point out his views may differ if he actually had to live in one of the Lancashire or West Yorkshire towns where you can`t go to certain areas after dark (or even during the day unless you`re brave or stupid), and I`m sure his attitude may not be so charitable if I parked my (his) company car there one night to find it trashed the following morning (if it was still there).

He may as well be a politician, preaching about something he knows little, and not living in the affected areas. How many of our overpaid rulers live in troubled inner cities? You can count them on the fingers of one thumb! No, they live in a `nice` place away from the stupid plebs whose only purpose is to vote them into a life of luxury and priviledge.

At the last election my dad wanted to vote BNP but there wasn`t a local candidate. Does that make us both racist?

Well, he came to this country as a refugee, as did my father-in-law. Make your own judgement.
Jan 19, 2008
Racism is a misused word used by the liberalists for any negative comments referring to others that aren't British. Using the word Asians to categorise a certain ethnic minority is also totally wrong because all Asian countries don't preach hatred or are muslim. It is a religious issue, not a race issue.

I know Chinese who are lovely people and have integrated into OUR society. My wife used to work for a Chinese family 30 years ago and still they send us a Christmas present every year. They sent their children to mainstream schools and one of the sons married an English girl. My sons friend married into a Chinese family, at first there was opposition from the girls parents but once children came along it broke the barriers. An Indian surgeon at our hospital lives in our road with his English wife. Another Indian doctor and his Indian wife who also live in our road celebrated Christmas like we all did. That is integration.

Last year we went to the Bolton Abbey site in Yorkshire. One day we went for a ride and saw signs for an Asda store in Burnley. Oh my God, what a culture shock, I can identify with what Angus posted and also Franks comment regarding his sister in Blackburn. Frank, like me, doesn't realise how lucky we are but the tide is still in motion and eventually will engulf the whole country. At the moment it is 30 miles one way and 28 miles the other way from us, Gloucester and Worcester respectively and still they let more in from the north African countries like Somalia. When will it stop, when there is no green places left and the country is awash with humanity?

After all the flooding the pathetic Brown says that house building will have to continue on flood plains. Why? To house economic refugees who claim political asylum.
Jan 19, 2008
At the Old Bailey on Thursday, Judge Paul Worsley said Hasan, who lived with his mother, would only be released when it was clear that he was no longer a risk to the public.

On release, the judge said Hasan, who was said to be obsessed with Somalian gang culture, including the gang that killed Pc Sharon Beshenivsky, would then be deported to his native Somalia.

More Judges like this please.
Jul 25, 2007
I do not believe that the majority of people in this country are racist/sexist/ageist/homophobic etc etc BUT sadly the silent majority are just that .... SILENT .... perhaps if they/we spoke up more about these issues and did not let the misguided liberal PC brigade minority dictate things our country would be in a better state.


For those who were not aware ........ Police Officers are actually banned from becoming a member of the BNP.

Now I could understand that position IF the BNP was a proscribed organisation i.e. one which is banned BUT as far as I know it is not.

Oh what a society we have allowed to evolve !!
May 12, 2006
Hey LB I do realise how lucky I am living here in Aberdeen,but I was born and bred in Accrington Lancs.

Now that's nearly as bad as Blackburn, but not quite. When I came out of the RN in 1971 we moved back to Accrington from Plymouth it was just starting to have little ghettos.

I was in the solicitors putting down the deposist for our first house and also in the solicitors about half a dozen Pakistan nationals. They bought a terraced house for around
Jul 11, 2005
Is'nt it obvious that this Scottish governments plan is to dumb down the English. with mass immigration to water us down together with student fee's reaching
Mar 13, 2007
hi all

just been watching the news about the water shortage in glouster

people queing up for a bottle of free water hundreds of them and dare I say it most of them non indigious britons and the ones taking the most water yup asians filling up the car boots and vans with the stuff no doubt for sale later on at a corner shop @ a
Feb 11, 2007
hi all

just been watching the news about the water shortage in glouster

people queing up for a bottle of free water hundreds of them and dare I say it most of them non indigious britons and the ones taking the most water yup asians filling up the car boots and vans with the stuff no doubt for sale later on at a corner shop @ a
Jan 19, 2008
lmaooooooo I also said the same thing - surely we can't all be wrong. A nice little earner there, free water then go and sell it. (Comment removed that could cause offence)
Jan 19, 2008
lmaooooooo I also said the same thing - surely we can't all be wrong. A nice little earner there, free water then go and sell it. (Comment removed that could cause offence)
Apologies Your Moddyship. Later when I read my post I realised it could be misconstrued, what I should have put is ....

ANYONE who can sink so low and profit from any others misery are the scum of the earth.
Jan 19, 2008
The night before the same story was on Central News regarding the water and showed them at the supermarkets. They had their trollies stacked as high as possible with bottled water on their way across the car park. I'll give you one guess who was struggling pushing the trollies. Omy where on earth did us males in our society go wrong?

Mrs Emily Pankhurst has a lot to answer for ;O)

⇦ sits back wearing flak jacket and helmet.

⇦ changes mind .... runs and hides.

⇦....peeps from under desktop.
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. this stems from way back before Emily Pankhurst - the trouble started when we agreed that females could recieve an education. Now tell me where we are hiding as I will join you mate.
Jan 19, 2008
Daily Express today ....

Popes private secretary, Monsignor Gainswein warns against the "Islamisation of Europe".

He said that political correctness must not blind the Continent to its Christian roots. Attempts to Islamise the west cannot be denied.

The Archbishop of Cologne has also warned that "immigration of muslims has created a breach in European culture".

The irony of the above is that the ordinary layman could have told them that years ago, now they are beginning to speak out because their own jobs are in jeopardy.
Mar 13, 2007
too right LB now they say something.

instead of 20 years ago when it would have mattered mind you we did have such a politician enoch who had the forsight to speak out before then but look what happend to him??.

funny though is it not when all this s**t kicked off on 7/7 and he was proved right in all he said, his name is conviently forgotten and his words ignored and how everybody was suprised by what happend, like they never saw it comming.


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