A tale of two wardens.

May 24, 2014
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A tale of two wardens, well, three actually.

We are just coming to the end of our latest trip having done three CAMC sites, Strathclyde, ******* and Hargill House, Richmond. The first and last being two night stopovers. ****** 14 nights. Allowing for idiosyncracies of humanity, you would still expect a similar level of standards from the wardens, they do afterall work to a clubs rules and standards.

Our experience though was nothing close and it is something I am finding more and more.

Strathclyde is a mixture of a site, half stopover and half people using it to explore Glasgow and the country park and theme park. Facilities always spotless, warden chatty and helpful and a real sense of humour. Always a visible presence there always seemed to be one of the team out and about and stopping to speak to everyone they passed.

Richmond on our way home is very much a stopover site, yet its absolutely pristine. The warden is top notch and a real character. Facilities are the cleanest I have seen for some time.

****** has been a vastly different experience. Those familiar with it will be aware of a central grass area around which about 70% of the units are parked. It is NOT a play area, yet most of us have had issues with ball games, often adults. The warden accepting they shouldnt be playing there yet loathe to do anything. One motorhome has been damaged. After being brought out of hibernation by numerous members, you would think he would have kept an eye on it. Perhaps become a more visible presence but no, little to no effort. This area could clearly be seen from his own pitch. The facilities were less than acceptable for cleanliness and both soap and loo roll had often gone by evening.

The site however is stunning, as is the area and is more of a long stay site than the other two. That said, in my mind I would have expected it to be better run than the two transit camps.
Mar 8, 2017
I trust that you have conveyed your thoughts and concerns to the CMC office.

The mantra that rules are for others is unfortunately becoming ingrained in our society.
Mar 14, 2005
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We are a society made up of individuals and that does mean you will find all sorts across a wide range of jobs. and yes the same applies to wardens.

Unlike McDonalds where each outlet has a standand set of eqeuipement and highly prescribed processes, and they are closely supervised and have active regional managers etc,so the product should be viretually samne which ever branch you use, Camp sites do vary a lot. The wardens are esentialy unsupervised, and I'm not sure if there are any insentives to encourage them to be proactive.

Perhaps the warden has tried to uphold the sites rules in the past and has received abuse from some campers, and so is now reticent to approach rule breakers.

I'm not trying to excuse poor standards, but ther might be reasons behind your experience other than just lazyness.
May 24, 2014
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Totally agree Prof, except that the warden is there for a reason, and no ball games should mean just that. In the units parked around the green the value was well up on a million, prob closer to two. If upholding the rules and getting some backchat for it is too much for him...............
If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
No excuse for dirty facilities running out of the basics almost daily. That is lazyness. If the demand is so high, a second inspection is needed. We pay membership to a club that should uphold the basic standards across its network.


Nov 12, 2009
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Moderator Warning.
I've edited the original post to remove the name of the site involved.
Please remember that all forum members agree to abide by forum etiquette as a condition of forum membership.
The original post is a serious breach of Rules 3 & 4.
I had considered the complete removal of this thread, but have decided instead to edit it.
There is no reason to doubt your word Thingy, and the disregard of campsite rules is a matter of concern to all of us, and worthy of discussion, but no more 'naming and shaming' please!
We also have rules, you disregarded them, so please think of me as a kind but concientious warden who insists on adherence to forum rules whilst trying hard not to be too draconian.
Mar 14, 2005
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Thingy said:
. If upholding the rules and getting some backchat for it is too much for him...............
If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
No excuse for dirty facilities running out of the basics almost daily. That is lazyness. If the demand is so high, a second inspection is needed. We pay membership to a club that should uphold the basic standards across its network.

As I wrote I'm not excusiong lazyiness, but refernce tyour comment 'backchat' I do not know if you have ever been on the receiving end of a person who is so insenced at having been pulled up about some beavoir or the bahavour of their children that they approch the upholder in such a beligerant manner using threatening language and behavoiur. It can be life changing. Unfortunately I have seen such behavour on a caravan site and the police were called, all becasue a child was (politely) asked to play with their ball elswhere. the child ran back to his parennts and the father came out all guns blazing.

Separately and as part of my work, a family of travellers (three adult males two women and 4 kids) came to the counter with a Truma 5002 front case that had gone rusty. They wanted us to obtain a replacement under warranty. The problem was the caravan manufacturer had striped the paint of the front case and had it chromed so the part was not original and Truma would not offer any warranty on it. They needed to contact the caravan seller and I had to pass this news onto the family. They were very displeased and verbally threatened me, spat at me, telling me they'd folow me home, a threat which was taken seriously by the police, but they could not find the family involved. But you do hear of some horror stories.

Obvopiously I don't know if this is the sort of thing that has happened to the warden in question but its worth stopping to consider such thinges before laying blame.

As for if you cant stand the heat.... there is some truth in that. I knew a Headteacher of a primary school who was so aversed to confrontation some serious matters were put off for too long. the head has since retired thank heavens and now there are national guidelines about reporting issues where children may be at risk under Safegaurding regulations.
Sep 29, 2016
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Parksy said:
Moderator Warning.
I've edited the original post to remove the name of the site involved.
Please remember that all forum members agree to abide by forum etiquette as a condition of forum membership.
The original post is a serious breach of Rules 3 & 4.
I had considered the complete removal of this thread, but have decided instead to edit it.
There is no reason to doubt your word Thingy, and the disregard of campsite rules is a matter of concern to all of us, and worthy of discussion, but no more 'naming and shaming' please!
We also have rules, you disregarded them, so please think of me as a kind but concientious warden who insists on adherence to forum rules whilst trying hard not to be too draconian.

That is as fair and practical and reasonable bit of moderation as could be wished for; point made and no one offended or otherwise slighted.

Nice one Parksy.
Nov 11, 2009
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The warden is chosen for their competence and given substantial training. Their role is to manage the site in accordance with Club rules and for the enjoyment of the visitors. The warden does have sanction. If guests are blatantly disregarding the rules, and continue to do so after a request to desist, the warden has the authority to ask them to leave the site immediately. Which sends a clear message to others too.
Jun 17, 2011
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Big problem is whether wardens feel supported. I knew one well who had a member stay on site over their booking and when the warden asked for payment the member was abusive and complained to hq. Area manager took member’s side. The warden was a guy who could not have been pleasanter and now no longer in post. No excuse for facilities though.
May 7, 2012
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Just back from over 2 weeks away on four club sites, Chester Fairoaks, The Firs, Beechwood Grange and Whitewater Park. All the Wardens were excellent and not the slightest problem. Having said that we have had a couple of problems over the years but in general the club staff tend to be excellent.
Nov 16, 2015
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The wardens, of sites,have good times , but also bad, the grumpy caravaanners, give wardens a hard time. With the riff Raff at the holiday times.
But I got caught by a warden at a start of a season on our first time out in our first caravan, , not more than 30 vans on a 100 van site, near Whitney, ñear lakes,that are standing, At about 21.30. took the rubbish bags to the waste place with our dog , a 10 year old girl, never left my side. On a flexy lead And 15 minutes later a warden knocked on the door saying if I let my dog off the lead again I would be , ejected from the site. . Next Morning, Complained about the intrusion about the time, and asked who had complained as we were alone without anyone near. No reply, . Never went back. .
May 24, 2014
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Firsly apologies. I should not have named the site nor called the warden lazy. I broke the rules of this forum and I accept that. I have no complaints about being hauled over the coals for it. I will say though that because everyone is scared to name and shame, this is why we have problems within the caravanning industry. Its too easy for the bad ones to get away with it. In my defence, the CAMC allow reviews on their website for all their sites and CL's, both good and bad, in my mind it was a similar type of review but yes, the personal stuff was OTT.

I do not hold with the sentiment that if a warden has had a rough time with someone (if a bit of backchat is to be considered rough), it excuses him from doing his job properly. We have all worked hard to get the nice things in life, such as a decent tug and a nice caravan, and it incenses me when some halfwit mannerless troll decides to put it at risk. There is a set of rules on Caravan Club Sites, the wardens are there to enforce them, and I will say again that if they dont have the stones for the job, they should not be doing the job. In my years of caravanning, I have seen a roof pierced by a kite crashing down onto it, a caravan badly damaged by those bomb shaped things they throw about, caravans dented by footballs and children on bikes, amongst other things. Thankfully none of them my vans.

I agree that most wardens, I would say 99% of wardens are very very good, and some way above that, but the bad ones really are at the opposite end of the scale. Again thankfully, in my years of caravanning, I have only seen three or four.

As for me, I tend to say things as I see them and Im guessing its a bit much at times for you genteel folks :) , and to save the mods from running out of green ink, Ill make this my final post.
Hope you all have a good season and travel safely.
Nov 11, 2009
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Thingy said:
Firsly apologies. I should not have named the site nor called the warden lazy. I broke the rules of this forum and I accept that. I have no complaints about being hauled over the coals for it. I will say though that because everyone is scared to name and shame, this is why we have problems within the caravanning industry. Its too easy for the bad ones to get away with it. In my defence, the CAMC allow reviews on their website for all their sites and CL's, both good and bad, in my mind it was a similar type of review but yes, the personal stuff was OTT.

I do not hold with the sentiment that if a warden has had a rough time with someone (if a bit of backchat is to be considered rough), it excuses him from doing his job properly. We have all worked hard to get the nice things in life, such as a decent tug and a nice caravan, and it incenses me when some halfwit mannerless troll decides to put it at risk. There is a set of rules on Caravan Club Sites, the wardens are there to enforce them, and I will say again that if they dont have the stones for the job, they should not be doing the job. In my years of caravanning, I have seen a roof pierced by a kite crashing down onto it, a caravan badly damaged by those bomb shaped things they throw about, caravans dented by footballs and children on bikes, amongst other things. Thankfully none of them my vans.

I agree that most wardens, I would say 99% of wardens are very very good, and some way above that, but the bad ones really are at the opposite end of the scale. Again thankfully, in my years of caravanning, I have only seen three or four.

As for me, I tend to say things as I see them and Im guessing its a bit much at times for you genteel folks :) , and to save the mods from running out of green ink, Ill make this my final post.
Hope you all have a good season and travel safely.

I trust that you only mean that it’s your final post on this thread and not that you are leaving the Forum, where your input would be missed.
Nov 16, 2015
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I will back up OC's thought , we don't want you to leave the forum, your inputs are great and valued.
Sep 29, 2016
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I'm with OC and Hutch on this Thingy.

I don't think you were at all "hauled over the coals", Parksy has to try to ensure that forum rules are observed and he did that in a fair and nice way, hope you didn't read it otherwise.

We value you on here Thingy, have a beer or three and chill B).
May 24, 2014
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Morning one and all.

To confirm, I had intended to quit the forum, but not because I was in any way annoyed or upset. Im really not that thin skinned. Even Galtieri couldnt upset me, and he tried mighty hard. My reasons were that I find it very hard not to put the boot in when I get a lousy service and of course, that does go against forum policy, hence giving the mods a break :p It was a bit of self-modertion really.

References to "hauled over the coals" and "green ink" were lighthearted banter, nothing more. Still think its a poor colour though Parksy, it looks like crayon :lol:

I will say what I said to Parksy via email, which is that I have absolutely no issue with the way the forum is moderated. I think they do an excellent job in dealing with you lot. :evil: I dont agree with not naming and shaming, but rules is rules as they say.

Nothing will ever convince me though that wardens in the CAMC should be applying different standards and interpretations, just because they havent the stones for the job. Rule three of the CAMC stipulates

Behaviour on site

a. Please make sure you, and anyone staying with you, respect the comfort and convenience of other site users. When you're on site please don't behave in a way that discredits The Club. Verbal or physical abuse won't be tolerated. This will result in you being asked to leave the site and your membership may be suspended.

b. If you have children with you on the site, you are responsible for their supervision.

c. No one wants their outfit damaged, so ball games are not allowed near the pitches. Please ask the site staff if there is anywhere suitable to play ball games.

I can't see a grey area there, so there is no excuse in my book.
May 7, 2012
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You are right, but not everybody is able to do this effecxtively and even then some people will carry on. The wardens have a difficult time with some people and in the end I think some just give in even if it is wrong.


Mar 17, 2007
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I guess Caravan Wardens are exactly the same as any other profession or employee; there will be excellent ones, average ones, just about OK ones, and some who are completely pants.
Oct 12, 2013
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Mel said:
I guess Caravan Wardens are exactly the same as any other profession or employee; there will be excellent ones, average ones, just about OK ones, and some who are completely pants.

And some that will be over the top and never stop , we were at Knaresborough Club site back in November it was a lovely sunny day on a Sunday morning chilling out and then all off a sudden , the wardens were out blowing and gathering the leaves up ! Hate noise !


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