A38 Saltash Tunnel - new Speed Camera mugging devices

Mar 14, 2005
Any of you holidaying in Cornwall & using the A38 via Plymouth through the Saltash tunnel - Beware! - they're threatening to turn on the SPECS average speed cameras - the limit is 30 mph, the tunnel has 50,000 cars per day through it, if they turn these on they reckon they'll catch 12,500 motorists per day and raise more money in a week than all the combined cameras in Devon & Cornwall do in a month. It's not an accident blackspot, so they're not safety cameras, just legalised mugging of us lot. As there's a hill to both sides of the tunnel you need to consciously apply your brakes to stay within the limit, especially with a van on the back, as gravity will take you over 30mph quite easily. You've been warned.
Mar 23, 2005

The area between the Honiton turn & the bottom of Haldon Hill is the same. There are 4 cameras in this spot & they work on time over distance, between each camera.

The first anyone will know is when the fine arrives in the post.

Please be aware. I know a lot of caravaners are law abiding but it is very easy to drift over the limit.

Cheers for now
Dec 30, 2009
Denis, its only a rip off if you speed. Dont you lot get it, if you speed then the cameras are a problem, if you dont speed then they are not. you are aloud 10% tollerance over the limit inaccurate speedos, I realy dont get why so many people get wound up about this subject.

DONT SPEED and you wont get caught!

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
I,m with you Kevin H stay within the speed limit and drive sensibly & you're ok. I also dont understand the furore that gets whipped up over cameras?
May 12, 2005
"Its not an accident black spot" this is because there is a speed limit, remove the limit you get a black spot. cameras catch idiots that break the limit.

denise which bit of limit don`t you understand.

Tony A.
Dec 16, 2003
Most of the drivers in the UK break speed limits every day.

Many here admit to exceeding 60mph to overatke or to maintain speed on hills!

Speed is not the killer its made out to be, bad drivers.

And drivers let on the road with little experience and no follow up training cause accidents much of the time.

Cameras are just another tax, the road in question has never been an ccident black spot so how does not having cameras effect that.

Plenty of caravans hit the road towed by experienced tuggers in a state that is far more dangerous than just being over a speed limits!

The camera is just an easy option for the authorities!
Dec 30, 2009
Cris you are talking bull, its only a tax if you break the law and get caught.

Nobody is disputing the fact that speed alone kills or that bad utfits are on the road.

The only point I was making and you have proved it,is that people get het up over speed cameras,

if you dont speed you wont get fined.

What is so difficult about that!!!

simple isnt it??

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
Denis, its only a rip off if you speed. Dont you lot get it, if you speed then the cameras are a problem, if you dont speed then they are not. you are aloud 10% tollerance over the limit inaccurate speedos, I realy dont get why so many people get wound up about this subject.

DONT SPEED and you wont get caught!

Kevin H
It is a nice straight road with a good surface and accident free,why do you think they put camera's there,it is a nice little earner that is why,nothing to do with safety which I am all for(I have a points free licence and have done for 45 years ,I do observe the speed limit and unlike you, do not need a camera to remind me) It is a plot by those in power to cause congestion so we are made to pay extra again to clear it up,think about it logically,they must think we are ALL stupid.
Mar 14, 2005
"Its not an accident black spot" this is because there is a speed limit, remove the limit you get a black spot. cameras catch idiots that break the limit.

denise which bit of limit don`t you understand.

Tony A.
They have NOT turned the camera's on yet,no accidents,no speeding you tell me why they need camera's.
Dec 30, 2009
It is a nice straight road with a good surface and accident free,why do you think they put camera's there,it is a nice little earner that is why,nothing to do with safety which I am all for(I have a points free licence and have done for 45 years ,I do observe the speed limit and unlike you, do not need a camera to remind me) It is a plot by those in power to cause congestion so we are made to pay extra again to clear it up,think about it logically,they must think we are ALL stupid.
I didnt say in my post I needed a camera to remind me not to speed, what I said was that if you speed then you might get caught, if you dont speed you wont.

Straight road, does that mean you can speed..........

no I think not, there is no argument to the statement

if you dont speed you wont get caught

Kevin H
Dec 16, 2003
Why do we have Courts and Prisons or Police ?

If everyone did as they should they wouldn't be needed.

The tool used for speeding has improved performance and other ways to the benefit of the nations wealth. Whilst the road system has been left to stagnate in comparison to the vehicles used on it!

Everything from human nature to work and family pressures leads to speeding as well as poor traffic flow that is the result of failed road planning.

The car is no different to a loaded gun, give every one a gun and "thou shalt not kill" will go out the window for some.

The authorities take the cream from the automotive industy but fail to regulate cars performance, even the police say that many speed limits are to low.

Near are old home a stretch of road had the limit reduced from 60 to 40 has had over 40 accidents on it now. They reduce the limit due to the death of 19 year old and the near death of the 20 year old son of one of my wifes colleagues. There has now been another death on the road despite the cameras and the nobile camera units visits. The 3 serious accidents were due to the drivers being drunk! The police do not agree with the reduced speed limit due to the extra accidents it has caused.

Also another nearby camera has been removed due to the accidents it caused.
Dec 30, 2009

I didnt say in my post I needed a camera to remind me not to speed, what I said was that if you speed then you might get caught, if you dont speed you wont.

Straight road, does that mean you can speed..........

no I think not, there is no argument to the statement

if you dont speed you wont get caught

Kevin H
Dec 30, 2009
Cris im not saying people will not speed or anything about the car industry.

If you choose to speed why moan if you get caught, if you dont speed you wont get caught, and cameras wouldnt be an issue.

Deflecting off on a tangent about prisons ect does not mean anything.

If what you are saying is a point, then its also unfair to fine people who deal in drugs and break into our houses, they choose to break the law, just as people choose to break the speed limit.

You cant have it all ways.

My statement again

If you dont speed then you will not get caught

Can you not grasp that one?

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
If you agree with speed limits and penalising drivers who exceed them then cameras and mobile sites are the thing for you.

Do not though get them confused with devises that prevent accidents or save lives. The CC of Durham has said that only 6% of accidents in his county involve a vehicle breaking the speed limit. My local paper has just run a series titled "End the carnage on the counties roads". This is in spite of draconian speed enforcement throughout the county. The Camera Partnership, who are the first to claim that their operations are the reason for any perceived improvement in casualty rates, are strangely silent.
Mar 14, 2005
Cris im not saying people will not speed or anything about the car industry.

If you choose to speed why moan if you get caught, if you dont speed you wont get caught, and cameras wouldnt be an issue.

Deflecting off on a tangent about prisons ect does not mean anything.

If what you are saying is a point, then its also unfair to fine people who deal in drugs and break into our houses, they choose to break the law, just as people choose to break the speed limit.

You cant have it all ways.

My statement again

If you dont speed then you will not get caught

Can you not grasp that one?

Kevin H
Kevin, there are mumerous accounts of drivers who have not been speeding being sent a ***. There was a case of a local councillor being receiving a *** for 52mph in a 30. He had to fight hard to get the camera pictures which proved he was doing 13mph. There are cases where vibrating engine covers on lorries have triggered cameras and of caravan towers being reported where the speed of the tow vehicle and the caravan have been added together. Laser guns are known to be inaccurate when not used in accordance with the ACPO guidelines. Go to court and fight the case on the grounds they were not followed and you will be told they are only guidlines and not law.
Dec 30, 2009
If you agree with speed limits and penalising drivers who exceed them then cameras and mobile sites are the thing for you.

Do not though get them confused with devises that prevent accidents or save lives. The CC of Durham has said that only 6% of accidents in his county involve a vehicle breaking the speed limit. My local paper has just run a series titled "End the carnage on the counties roads". This is in spite of draconian speed enforcement throughout the county. The Camera Partnership, who are the first to claim that their operations are the reason for any perceived improvement in casualty rates, are strangely silent.
Ray, none of my posts mention accidents, I was just pointing out the fact that if you choose to go over the speed limit you may get caught, if you dont speed you wont,

and the fact that I couldnt understand why people get so het up over cameras, thats all

Kevin H
Dec 16, 2003

You seem to be assuming that I speed.

Speeding laws are out of step with modern vehicles and life and are being used for political agendas.

Surely the idea should be to cut speeding and increase safety. something that cameras fail to do whilst penalising many for a minor fault whilst others ot he road commit far worse crimes.

The way speeding is tackled by the authorities and with stupid limits being imposed for dubious reasons the speeding laws are not respected and flaunted and held in contempt by very many whilst others get away with far worse crimes.

Also as speeding and being fined is tackled in such a corrupt and add hoc manner many just can't see the point in taking the laws seriously when those applying them don't either.
Mar 14, 2005
On the subject of the Saltash tunnel and adjoining bridge, they have just installed a Tag system for collecting the toll.

The old paper voucher system is finished which means that relatives who dont go over the bridge as a matter of course, cant share a book of tickets. The increase in revenue alone will be tremendous.

Remember, this bridge was built in 1961 and has been paid for for many years now.
May 12, 2006

Would someone please post the Continental Limits and the UK Limits Side by Side. i.e. Town, Motorway & Dual Carriageway.???

Are we in the UK out of step with our continental cousins???? or what. Is it safer in France than say Germany or is the UK the safest place in Europe to drive ?????

Val & Frank.
Feb 10, 2007
In todays Daily Mail it is suggested that the government are

purposefully trying to cause gridlock And will then use it as

excuse to bring in road tolls.If they were really serious about

road safety they would do something about the dreadfull state

of the roads. And also the thousands of uninsured and untaxed

cars on the roads who go through speed traps with complete

impunity knowing they wont get caught.The goverment has got

motorists over a barrel,looks on them as an easy saurce of

Dec 30, 2009

You seem to be assuming that I speed.

Speeding laws are out of step with modern vehicles and life and are being used for political agendas.

Surely the idea should be to cut speeding and increase safety. something that cameras fail to do whilst penalising many for a minor fault whilst others ot he road commit far worse crimes.

The way speeding is tackled by the authorities and with stupid limits being imposed for dubious reasons the speeding laws are not respected and flaunted and held in contempt by very many whilst others get away with far worse crimes.

Also as speeding and being fined is tackled in such a corrupt and add hoc manner many just can't see the point in taking the laws seriously when those applying them don't either.
cris, I dont believe that I have sugested anywhere that you speed.

As for the rest of the post, utter dribble, every county has laws which are not fit for this day and age.

You talk alot on here about the establishment being currupt, and this tax is unfair and that tax is unfair. You still live in the uk and benifit from the freedom and level of wealth we have compaired to alot of countries.

I think we are very fortunate to live in this country, yes things are wrong yes some laws are stupid and yes some of the establishment are proberebly currupt, but I believe alot less than other countries.

If you dont like living with these laws and curruption why havnt you moved and where would that be to. Another currupt country???

Kevin H
May 12, 2006
I know in Aberdeen the policy is to cause gridlock on the major road going North. Why build 4 major retail outlets at a real pinch point???? and then control the lights to cause mayhem.The council have blocked every so called " rat run " and forced all the traffic onto the main road. Global warming the council have caused a lot of it !!!!!!They don't seem to be able to recognise that Public Transport is now run by Big Business for Profit. It's no longer a Council run operation/business.

Val & Frank


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