Adult only site

May 25, 2005
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I know, I am going to open a can of worms with this but - here we go. I am gathering together a list of ADULT ONLY sites throughout the UK, mainly to be used during the school holidays!!! I already have a list from the internet but wish to gather more. Can anyone help?

I am not against kids but, having spent time this year in CC and CC&C site, would like to caravan in a peaceful location from time to time. Surely I am not alone!!!
Apr 4, 2005
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Hi Ann

No you are not alone and for the same reasons. Would be interested in your findings. There comes a time in life when

having raised our own kids, we just want some quieter times.

Good luck

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ann

No you are not alone on this one we have grandchildren ,but sometimes it is nice to get a break away from kids .We would be very interested in your list. Tom&Sheila
Apr 11, 2005
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when you've finished Ann are you going to compile a list of sites that dont allow dogs that "yap",then a list of sites that dont allow new cars and vans,haggered old wrecks only ??(the outfit of course)
Mar 14, 2005
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How about a lits of sites that don't allow none whites?

Or a list of sites that don't allow those with a low IQ?

Or a list of those that only accept people with children?
Jan 21, 2014
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when you've finished Ann are you going to compile a list of sites that dont allow dogs that "yap",then a list of sites that dont allow new cars and vans,haggered old wrecks only ??(the outfit of course)
Oh! Please don't forget to include cockerels that crow at 2am!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Strange really, Sonic asked pratically the same question on 14th September without any comments being passed. What has Ann done wrong?
Aug 1, 2005
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Back to the original post, I know I would not be alone in staying I would be interested in a list of adult only sites. I wouldnt use them exclusively, but I would certainly make use of them. Are you thinking of posting them on a website?

I cannot understand why there is a problem with this. There are holiday companies that specialise in adult only resorts and hotels. Its only the same.
Aug 1, 2005
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Back to the original post, I know I would not be alone in staying I would be interested in a list of adult only sites. I wouldnt use them exclusively, but I would certainly make use of them. Are you thinking of posting them on a website?

I cannot understand why there is a problem with this. There are holiday companies that specialise in adult only resorts and hotels. Its only the same.
Saying not staying!! a typo!
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi All, Ann I apologise for what appears to be a curt answer,I have three(good)kids but would use an adult only site for a break for me and him !

I was trying more to hint at your comment(children and caravanning)that you would avoid someone with a new car and van like the plague as they generally have disrespectful kids,well that would include me and that hurt !!! apologies again for the sarky answer but I have to defend my family !! xx
Aug 1, 2005
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A quick google search shows that Warners, Virgin, Butlins, Portland and Sandals all do adult only breaks/holidays/resorts/hotels. There is obviously a demand for it ... why not. People with children will always be well catered for elsewhere, its simply a matter of choice, nothing to get upset or excited about.
Aug 1, 2005
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Hi All, Ann I apologise for what appears to be a curt answer,I have three(good)kids but would use an adult only site for a break for me and him !

I was trying more to hint at your comment(children and caravanning)that you would avoid someone with a new car and van like the plague as they generally have disrespectful kids,well that would include me and that hurt !!! apologies again for the sarky answer but I have to defend my family !! xx
Its easy in these forums to take things personally and take offence. Ive done it myself on another thread. I respect your defence of your family, Tina.
May 25, 2005
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Apologies if I upset you Tina, it wasn't meant to be personal. I would only use the adult only sites during school holidays - to get a bit of peace.

Having said all that - during July we spent some time on a C&CC site and pitched next to a delightful family. We ALL had a great time and actually socialised!!!

However, a teenager on the same site at the same time caused a great deal of problems - racing around between car and caravan - dangerous at any time. The idiot could have had his head taken off if somebody had opened a window on him!

Friends again I hope!
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Ann

Hope you saw my apologie in chit chat !!!

I just get upset when I read about kids bieng horrible,of course SOME are (I met them in park resosrt Wales)but not all.

Same as dogs, Its all about the few minority again isnt it spoiling it for us all,on another note about Wendy asking why we dont use CL,S more,I dont because of my kids,we seem to get a look of "oh no!" before we've even pitched up, however its brill when we pack up and the kids have been good as gold !!!My two youngest are nearly four and three and we are thinking of a night away on our own and YES I will pick an adult only site !!!!!!!! :) safe hols Ann x
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Ann


We have used Longnor wood in Derby & Moor View in Devon & can thoroughly recommend both as being friendly, superbly organised and most of all Quiet & peaceful! (Definitely no kids)

We, like lots of other of the older generation, have raised our children & enjoy the grandchildren immensely but we do like to chill out when on OUR holiday in adult company.

We don't always use adult only sites and I agree with Tina, well behaved children are a pleasure to be with on site, but unfortunately like so many things in life the bad behaved few spoil it for the majority.
Mar 14, 2005
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Why oh why oh why does the mere mention of adult only sites raise so many hackles. I do not like noisy pubs - they give me hearing problems - but no one witters on if I go into a quiet one and I do not mind if others do not. I do not like football but no one seems to think I should spend my time at football matches nor do I mind if others do. I do not go to naturist beaches - just not my scene - but I have no objections if others do. Why cannot people be allowed to use whichever sites they prefer for whatever reasons without someones pious pontificating. Next thing we will have is people trying to dictate wether we use still or cine camera's; Asda or Tesco: Shell or Fina. For crying out loud - let and let live.
Mar 14, 2005
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Why oh why oh why does the mere mention of adult only sites raise so many hackles. I do not like noisy pubs - they give me hearing problems - but no one witters on if I go into a quiet one and I do not mind if others do not. I do not like football but no one seems to think I should spend my time at football matches nor do I mind if others do. I do not go to naturist beaches - just not my scene - but I have no objections if others do. Why cannot people be allowed to use whichever sites they prefer for whatever reasons without someones pious pontificating. Next thing we will have is people trying to dictate wether we use still or cine camera's; Asda or Tesco: Shell or Fina. For crying out loud - let and let live.
A sane and sensible reply, those that castigate others for not conforming to their own ideals please note.

"Viva individuality"

Jul 29, 2005
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excellent idea to have a list of good Adult only sites. We now have no smokers zones as it is harmfull to other peoples health, well disruptive kids don't do anything for my blood pressure, so lets have them on health grounds. May do away with the comments of only white sites and such....


Mar 14, 2005
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There is a market for all types of sites. ie Adult only, dog free etc and it is up to the owners of the sites . If some one doesnt agree with a site being adult only or dog free then the solution is simple dont use it and go somewhere else. Wouldnt it be a boring world if every site was the same. We use diffrent types of sites depending on our requirements and the circumstances
Mar 14, 2005
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If you had red hair and a site turned you away because of the colour of your hair, you would rightly feel victimised.

There is no other past time where kids are exluded for the adults benifit rather than the safety of the children. Caravaning has always been a family affair and to take this away from families is shameful.

The sites them self boast that they are "exlusively for adults", I thought that that sort of behaveour stopped with the fall of apartied.

Pubs influence who visits them by there facilities. There is no "No oldies" signs on doors of pubs aiming at the younger market, the older people tend to go to the more traditional pub through choice. If a caravan site doesn't have anything for kids to do, kids wont wnat to go there, by choice.

I wonder if someone here has access to solicitors that can check this sort of behavour out agains human rights....

Mar 14, 2005
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Whilst, in theory, what you are saying is correct Stinky it is in practise where it can come unstuck. I have always taken my children caravanning and they always respected others right to enjoy their holiday. But not everyones kids do the same (parents fault without a doubt). Threfore it can only be fair for those who want a holiday free of stress from others naughty children that they can choose a site with only naughty parents to contend with.


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