Adult only sites in France

Mar 14, 2005
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Tim, it is not unlawful for adult only sites in France. There is one advertised in the December CC magazine situated on the Vendee coast. It actually says (in capitals) no dogs or children, so it could be very popular. Seriously, without wishing to get into an argument regarding adult only sites, I would just like to say that because a person uses them it does not mean they do not like children. It has been said in the forum, many times, each to his / her own. Where you choose to camp e.g CL, CS, commercial site, club site, or whatever, is a personal choice.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ray, so if my children have a personal choice of going to one of the sites in Vendee, will they be allowed on? It's about time discrimination was outlawed once-and all. I'm sure you would be one of the first to complain of ageism if you were denied a job because of your age, so why are children treated with less respect than a dog on some sites?
Mar 14, 2005
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I am also looking for adult only site in France for my Summer holiday. The reason for this is I work in Education with Children and would like a break from them during my only holiday of the year. I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion on where and how they want to spend their holidays,
Mar 14, 2005
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You say "I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion on where and how they want to spend their holidays". Obviously you mean "everyone except children"?

Mar 14, 2005
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We have been to some sites (most)where the behaviour of children has been excellent but sadly on other sites we have witnessed the turn them out at breakfast style of parenting with so long as they don't bother the parents and interrupt their drinking then all is well.This is why people want Adults Only sites and who can blame them.One site we visited which was advertised as a quiet farm site we were disturbed by rowdy children.As they belonged to the site we didn't go back again !!
Mar 14, 2005
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Why is it that whenever anyone asks about adult only sites they are branded as child haters. If only the perfect parents who have a rant about this topic were able to monitor the behaviour of the unruly, rude and unlikeable children we seem to encounter. My wife and I both love children very much but on holiday we like peace and quiet thank you
Mar 14, 2005
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So, some kids are badly behaved. Some adults are also badly behaved, shouting, swearing, driving cars too fast on grass between 'vans etc. Why is it then that, because very few children misbehave, all children are banned from sites? Why are adults allowed on all sites when there proportianatly (spelling) more bad adults than bad children? I'm sure there are other ways to deter familes and these sites probably wouldn't attract familes anyway, it's the whole "Adults only", "No children allowed" apartied aproach that makes me angy. People have the same rights in this country regardless of race or religion... except if you're under the age of 18. We all have to live with each other and have some tolarance.
Mar 14, 2005
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This discrimination argument is rather ludicrous.It could be argued that naturist sites should be banned because they discriminate against people who want to wear clothes with about as much credance.As 99% of sites allow children,dogs etc surely the anti-adults site lobby can exist without total monopoly`We use adults only sites not to avoid children but because they are usually the sites that are not full when school holidays are on !!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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I did'nt realize that my question would cause so many varied comments with only two actually answering the question!!

I too work in education, I do like kids but just like a bit of peace when I'm on holiday.

We are lucky to live in a free country where camp sites are allowed to operate how they wish and what kind of site they operate.

If there is a market for "adult only sites" I can't see what the problem is,just as there is a market for other sites, cls,with/with out dogs,bars,pools,games rooms etc.
Mar 14, 2005
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The poor man only asked a simple question,"are there any adult sites in France". And it turned into a big debate. Well Tim there is Camping Le Serpolin, which I think someone else has stated, but check the web site it's looks okay
Mar 14, 2005
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I did'nt realize that my question would cause so many varied comments with only two actually answering the question!!

I too work in education, I do like kids but just like a bit of peace when I'm on holiday.

We are lucky to live in a free country where camp sites are allowed to operate how they wish and what kind of site they operate.

If there is a market for "adult only sites" I can't see what the problem is,just as there is a market for other sites, cls,with/with out dogs,bars,pools,games rooms etc.
I'm just about old enough to remember when it was not unknown to see signs saying "no Blacks or Irish" in, say, guest house windows. Nowadays most people think this sort of discrimination is morally wrong, not to say its also now illegal. The problem I have with adults only sites is that I don't see how they are any better morally, discrimination is discrimination is discrimination.


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