Advice for the older Caravanner

Jan 9, 2008
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Many of you [those over 40, WAY over 40, or hovering near 40]

seem quite confused about how you present yourselves.

You seem unsure about the kind of image you are projecting and

whether or not you are correct as you try to conform to current

fashions. Despite what you may have seen, the following com-

binations DO NOT go together and should be avoided when caravanning or going outside your homes:

1. A nose ring and bifocals

2. Spiked hair and bald spots

3. A pierced tongue and dentures

4. Miniskirt and support hose

5. Ankle bracelet and corn pads

6. Speedo's and cellulite

7. A belly ring and a gall bladder scar

8. Unbuttoned disco shirt and a heart monitor

9. Midriff shirt and a midriff bulge

10. Bikinis and liver spots

11. Short shorts/skirt and varicose veins

12. Inline skates and zimmer frame.

13. Board shorts with socks and garters.

14. Top Shop and top weight

Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind

when you leave your home.
Mar 14, 2005
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Graham - I have always worn socks with sandalls. As a junior school pupil in the 1950s it was grey socks but since I have matured to adult hood and have a dress sense of fashion I now where white socks with sandals.

The one missed out by both you and Jason was the wearing of a knotted handkerchief on the head with any form of male clothing. That is very old fashioned working class.
Mar 14, 2005
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Graham - I have always worn socks with sandalls. As a junior school pupil in the 1950s it was grey socks but since I have matured to adult hood and have a dress sense of fashion I now where white socks with sandals.

The one missed out by both you and Jason was the wearing of a knotted handkerchief on the head with any form of male clothing. That is very old fashioned working class.
Should read ".... now wear white socks..." and not the word where
Aug 13, 2007
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Hey Colin,

I remember having to wear a knotted hankie on my head as a youngster in the late 50s early 60s.

Perhaps our parents knew about skin cancer in them days :eek:)
Aug 13, 2007
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Oops forgot to say, my wife said she wont walk with me if I was to wear any socks with sandals ( now theres a thought), no I might need her to help me home some time. :eek:)
Mar 14, 2005
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I have no worry in that department as I still have a full head of hair. My father was 90 when he passed away and he also had a full head of hair. No eveidence of baldness with my two brothers or my self - SO FAR and we are now all in our sixties.
Mar 17, 2007
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......and they say that 'cardies' are coming back into fashion. I never knew that they went out of fashion ! A cardigan with socks and sandals - I can't wait for summer!
Jan 9, 2008
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Deck shoes and trainers, combat style trousers or surf shorts and tee shirts. Dark glass's and variety of hats. Not much else in my wardrobe apart from yachting fleeces and jackets for when it's cold or wet. If a suit is required I don't go!

I never wear sandals as my mutilated toes scare other people ;-)
Mar 17, 2007
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Yes Graham, I shall be investing in a beige cardie - hopefully one of those with the leathery sort of buttons that are easy to grip - and perhaps a bit of raised cable stitching to give it real style. When I do my overnight run to the Lake Distfrict I could stop off around Brum, strut my stuff, and show you old boy's what real hipsters we are in the South!! It will all match with the green rubber gardening shoes, and my straw hat - fairly normal garb down here! (So long as I don't look silly!!)
Dec 8, 2007
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I know people who wear combat gear and could not fight their way out of a wet paper bag - so green gardening shoes have no significance!!

I wear on site, but for gardening..... don't be silly - I pay someone else to do that!

Margaret W


That its I will have to sell my caravan and buy one of those VW camper instead
Jul 11, 2005
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Gardening overshoes I think they were called 'gloshers'

Now i'm going back a bit there.

Nothing wrong with a knotted hanky. Make sure its a clean one though. Bad street cred if not.

Mar 17, 2007
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No Eddie, Not the overshoes - they are definately not in fashion. These are the green rubber ones that, if you wear very carefully,with long trousers, can look like a pair of very expensive Hunter wellies that the real toffs pay


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