Advice please on buying used van with mastic missing

Sep 5, 2007
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We are buying our first caravan and went to see a Sprite Major 5 - 2005 model.

It looked perfect for us, but we were concerned that on the back corner, there was a 2mm gap between the back metal panel of the van and the rail - the mastic was missing from this gap. Also, the rail was slightly uneven. The owners had no explanation for this. On the inside of the van in the corresponding corner, there were some bumps which looked as if they could be screws or something.

Being new to caravanning, we were unsure whether this was something to be concerned about or whether this kind of damage comes through normal wear and tear. Of course we're worried about water ingress but there's no sign of damp and the sellers say it's been serviced with no problems.

Any suggestions - the sellers say they will get the van serviced and get a report from the technicians regarding damp. Will this do, or should we just walk away from this one?

Also, if we don't buy this van we are considering buying either a new Sprite Major or a Bailey Ranger. Any advice on whether either make is superior in build quality?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
Aug 30, 2007
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Kate - I would be highly suspicious of this. I doubt that I or anyone would have accepted a new caravan like that so something has happened to it.

Maybe a repair after an accident?

Who knows.

As for the other caravans - we have had a Sterckman, Avondale and now a Bailey.

Never had a problem with these but we do "walk away" rather than take a chance.

Caravans are just like anything else - do not go for the make specifically - go for what suits and is in excellent condition.

This one you mention does not seem to be IMO.
Oct 3, 2005
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DONT do it for what ever reason,Even a damp reading can read negative,been there done it,If the seller wants to sell he will come up with all sorts of excuses,Hardly anyone is honest these days let alone dealers,
Mar 14, 2005
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Walk away. Have nothing to do with it.

Eddie is right. Nobody will tell you the truth when selling a damaged caravan. They just want to get shot of it.....hopefully at your expense!!

Give it a miss. Plenty of others out there, especially at the end of the season.
Aug 25, 2006
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Don`t walk, run.

There are loads of `straight` vans out there, why even take the chance?

Take your time,look carefully, spend wisely.


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