Air conditioner needs to be re-gassed

Mar 11, 2007
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Hello everyone

Summer hols looming and I need to get ready for the scorching heat wave that hopefully awaits us.

I have a Mistralvan air conditioning unit in my caravan; it fits either side of a window. It needs re-gassing. It was done by the firm who sold it to me when it was only 1 year old, I asked them last year to do it again but they said that they could no longer do it so we used it anyway but it was not very efficient.

I guess that it needs to be recharged every summer because it is not used for 48 weeks of the year and (like cars) the seals dry up and allow a pressure loss.

Can someone tell me where I can get it regassed please?


Jan 10, 2010
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Try Kwik Fit or a refridgeration engineer, it way be worth while getting back to the firm who fitted it to ask for the weights etc of the gasespecially if Kwik Fit are willing to do it as they usually only have specifications for vehicles.


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