On new caravans with AL-KO wheel lock receivers fitted and no wheel lock the receiver is blocked so that you have to buy a wheel lock from AL-KO and get them to supply the tool to unblock the receiver. Has anyone over come this?
if you mean the yellow plug (as fitted to my Bailey) then it is just a dust cap screwed into the reciever. It is easily removed with a long (ish), flat bladed screw driver. Depending on your wheel design and size of your hands you could probably remove it with your fingers.
We fitted a Bulldog Max last weekend to our Pageant and included in the box was a srewdriver for that purpose. Once removed the 2 parts of the bulldog clamp fix very easily and quickly, with no need for accurate wheel alignment.
Hi David(M.L.) - According to other forums, unless the Al-Ko "lock" comes with the caravan, then owners who have only got the receiver have to go through the routine that Charles mentions above. Apparently Al-Ko have taken the hump at other lock manufacturers, eg. Bulldog, supplying cheaper alternatives and using their brackets.
Phew - I must have got in just in time then. I have a Series 6 Bailey Pageant, bought early this year and it was as David said. I purchased a Bulldog wheel lock for
One of the advantages for us in buying the bulldog version (as well as the price) was that you didnt have to have a model specific lock, which means it can be transfered to other vans in the future. Also looking at the Alko site I wasnt 100% sure that the wheels listed for my van were the same as in the picture without going and checking. It seemed a lot of trouble to get the exact part number to suit the wheels, and then try one track down. Much easier to get the 'universal' bulldog version, which I believe is also easier to fit as you dont need to bwe 100% accurate with wheel alignment. Didnt realise that Alko had blocked the reciever on later vans. We must have been lucky as well as our van is less than 12 months old (2007 series 6 Pageant).
I think Alko are undoing a lot of good work by doing this, unless they are going to supply the lock 'free' with all vans regardless of spec level.
Imagine if you could only buy one make of wheel clamp to fit your van or one brand of petrol to 'fit' your car. Where will it end?
Local market traders will 'unlock' mobiles. Will a similar market spring up for 'unlocking' alko chassis.