ALKO Hitch Stabiliser pads

Mar 13, 2017
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I was looking to fit stabiliser pads to my ALKO Hitch, not sure what model hitch is so I contacted ALKO after quoting a number stamped on hitch ( M46557) the guy stated it was a AKS 2000 and stated these on their website -
When I took my pads out they looked more like this without the centre hole -
The caravan is an Elddis Crusader Superstorm 2000. Ant thoughts please!
May 11, 2017
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Hi I'm new to all this. Got our 1st caravan yesterday. 2002 Elddis odyssey524L. I've just changed the friction pads on it. As when my friend delivered it to us. 1 of the pads fell out (broken). The ones on mine were the 2nd kind you have put up. And we're straight forward to replace. The guy in the caravan spares suppliers just asked if my hitch was the red handle type or ratchet type. Hope this helps
May 7, 2012
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I did find the 2002 brochure on line and there was no mention of a hitch stabiliser that I could find which makes me wonder if it was not a standard fitting. We did have a 2003 Eldiss and the stabiliser was I think the AlKO 2000 but was part of the XL pack and not standard at that time so I it is difficult to give you a firm answer. Given the age of the caravan though there is a possibility that the hitch has been changed from the original.
Possibly the best bet is to take the pads out of the caravan and see if they match what you have been sent and if not get back to the supplier.
Aug 23, 2009
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The hitches for both our Compasses of that age with the V-Tech swing chassis were the blue Winterhoff not the red Alko. Would imagine Explore were using the same set up for both Elddis and Compass brands but not sure.
May 7, 2012
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Our Eldiss had the ALKO chassis and hitch. Not sure if they used different chassis at that time but it looks like it.


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