While I fully agree with the benefits of having an 'archive' system that would allow easy access to information I would also suggest care needs to be taken. I admit there are times when having seen the same question for the umpteenth time, or it seems like it, the response you often want to send in is 'Read the b..y manual etc etc' Not tactful I agree, but re-inventing the wheel is fun only so many times.
If the Forum was to develop a 'technical' archive then that would be fine, but it would require someone to edit all the information to ensure that what was available was correct, not just a personal opinion, and could withstand any possible liability. I doubt that Haymarket would wish to get into that area at this time.
What may be an option would be to have a section with suggested 'links' to the technical sections provided by the main Clubs, for example and any other source that provided objective technical advice. The 'links' could be offered on a 'free from responsibility' basis and would remain the responsibility of the subscriber to ensure what is followed is the correct answer for his/her situation. There could also be links to books such as 'The Caravan Manual' which gives a large amount of information for the beginner. This is not a Haymarket publication I know, but a general link to it would be helpful I am sure. The author is a contributor to a Haymarket publication, so there is a link there, if tenous. The issue of copyright is another minefield and again, I feel that identifying, and acknowledging the source of the information at least sidesteps that problem. I know for example some of the trailer Companies provide objective information for towbar wiring that could be very useful to people, without necessarily making a commercial offer.
Anyone that follows such a 'link' enters the website of the Company concerned and is basically outside the remit of Haymarket. I note that 'links' to various Clubs are already offered.
Of course, there are many topics that fall outside general technical advice and if your question does want to know 'how to fit a new whatsit to a 15 year old van with whatever problem' then a personal answer is probably the only recourse. But I do think that there should be a 'health warning' attached to all replies, that these are merely the opinion of the contributor and carry no legal authority