another David said:
Can I reply to Colin in Yorkshire? (had trouble quoting)
I too am a kid from a mining village and among other things spent 25 years actually working underground and I hate and detest dark overcast weather. I have spent enough of my life in the dark and if I could only take holidays in the UK the van would be up for sale tomorrow. I am going to continue spending time and money over there as long as I can, if you cant or wont do it that your problem
it's nae bother lad, aye tha's on'y thee sen to worry bout cos were juss dandy, I remember mi fatha tellin me as a little un thes nowt ower there, woth bothering wi, the dun't like us the dun't want us just weer betta than t'uther lot, fust chance thee get thel kick us in the googlees. ( sergeant major, Kings Own Yorks Light Infantry 1940-1946)
hi David, hope you could understand the little rendition it's hard to put yorkshire into words as it is a spoken dialect probably because most of the old un's were illiterate,
I too remember working underground but would rather not think of it (too painfull). however I did get another job and spent 20+ years in a glass bottle plant where the temprature summer and winter was above 100'f. the last thing I wanted was two weeks holiday in the sun, in tropical tempratures. too much like work thanks. we did try Malta in 1980 and torremolinos in 1981, but was not that impressed, (so I never renewed the passport) however the maltese people were magnificent and couldn't do enought to make us brits welcome.
if going abroad is your cup of tea and mine is not why should that be a problem, it's just not for me thats all, what is important is the time spent away in the van some prefer hot and sunny me I just want a lake close by, weather not important. what I can,t imagine is doing is thounds of miles on the wrong side of the road trying to abide by all the local bye laws and new rules that they keep dreaming up on the 2 weeks I get off work to try a homemade pizza on some canal side bistro,
A quick answer for Lutz, I must be very difficult, to understand the EU for a british perspective as of course Germany was one of the founder members, the UK was not De-gaull made sure of that! signing up to the treaty of rome as we did with all the basic rules in place put us at a disadvantage and this remains the same today, very few british ideas, are adopted by the our brothers over the water but the reams of legistlation that comes out of brussels is truely breathtaking.
the logic of the arguement is clear if put into context, the EEC was good idea in principal free trade and a collective voice in world economics, but the EU is a completly different animal harmonisation of nations into a federal Europe is a step too far, most brits would not comprehend a UK without Sterling, its own armed forces "to repel the argies again" or it's commonwealth although we turned our backs on most of it years ago, to join the EEC,
and then of course there's the French, erm nuff said, but then that was the point of the OP surely,
my oppologies Parksy for adding one more post off topic but I felt a reply was required, "billy opposite" is now off to bed,
nite all.