Assistant Moderator

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Jan 19, 2008

all of a sudden Stinky's nic at the top of this post changes overnight to

King Lordkicker ⇦ last night it was Stinky Pete lmaoo

4 Nov 2005 08:15 PM In this post LB says he is the moderator. If he isn't then surely impersonating the moderator is a kicking offence?

Read these comments

stinky did you resolve the problem.... posted 4 Nov 2005 09:25 PM by smiley

so regarding your request not to use multiple nics there is one offender your Moddyship.
Nov 2, 2005
Hello Lord b

I don't quite understand your comment to me asking what I thought was a normal question.

But I should have addressed my question to both yourself and Stinky_pete. Your words were very heated at the time.

Appologies if I have done wrong in anyway.
Jan 19, 2008
Hello Lord b

I don't quite understand your comment to me asking what I thought was a normal question.

But I should have addressed my question to both yourself and Stinky_pete. Your words were very heated at the time.

Appologies if I have done wrong in anyway.
I was pointing out that the post was made by Stinky and you replied to him as Stinky. If you look at the post now its altered to King Lordkicker. In other words Stinky as been caught out again using multiple nics to cause trouble. A kickable offence I would have thought.

The comment wasnt to you, but as I said, just proving that you replied to Stinky so no probs Smiley, you done no wrong.
May 4, 2005
Stinky,As I read all of the (now) deleted posts I think a more suitable name is "Stinky's Butt kicked" .If you have "facts" in the future,if you have one, please supply the proof.If you are just going to repeat untruths in the hope that someone believes you....DON'T BOTHER
Mar 14, 2005
Proof as requested :-

"I'm home everyone, oh and what a happy bunny I am, thank you your Moddyship for selecting me and I didn't ask to remain annonimus, anonymouse, private. I dont mind if the peasants know its me and rest assured I will be ruling them with a firm hand, we aristocrats have experience of that for over a thousand years. Thank you peasants for your good wishes but sucking up will get you nowhere. :O)

Ohhhhh I'm H-A-P-P-Y, Yes I'm H-A-P-P-Y,.................."

Regards (where due)
May 4, 2005
Stinky, do you honestly think that post is anything other than a joke.Your inability to tell fact from fiction may however explain some of your other postings
Jan 19, 2008
Pssst, Brian, he isn't really a lord, you don't have to suck up, honest.
Stinky, you say you have a lovely family, I suggest you go and spend some quality time with them. I do despair though if you act with them as you act in here. Just dont give up hope mate and keep taking the medication, I will pray for your wellbeing. I'm sure you will be cured - when you grow up mentally that is.
May 4, 2005
If this is true does it mean Kanga wasn't really a kangaroo,Monkey's husband isn't really married to a monkey and Stinky Pete isn't really..... called Pete (",)
May 4, 2005
Oh dear Stinky another name change and another inaccuracy. How much longer will you last on this Forum.I'm sure the Moderator will back me up when I say that nothing I posted on this topic has been deleted....FACT !
Jan 19, 2008
Brian I read his posting and checked this thread but couldn't see anything deleted. I was going to answer Janey to that effect but couldn't be 100% positive.
Mar 14, 2005
Surely Lord B you must be cracking up. If something had been deleted how on earth would you see it. Common sense must prevail or is it senile dementure setting it. Suggest you either give up the late sittings in the House of Lords or the late nights with your maid servant or cow girl.
Jan 19, 2008
Surely Lord B you must be cracking up. If something had been deleted how on earth would you see it. Common sense must prevail or is it senile dementure setting it. Suggest you either give up the late sittings in the House of Lords or the late nights with your maid servant or cow girl.
Ummmm well it's like this, if Stinky says I'm Moddyship 2 I must have deleted it. On that point I looked in my waste bin and there was no deletions there. Regarding the dementia it is too late I fear, I don't think Horlicks and Viagra mixes but Titillating Tina must be made happy in her work at the Hall. Oh and by the way you good people, due to my failing eyesight I wish you wouldn't put the word sittings in your posts.


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