Att'n Nigel Donnelly / re Caravan Security Tips

Oct 9, 2010
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I've just read the sites homepage tips under the heading "Caravan Security Tips".
I'm really shocked by some of the tips, do you and 'Wickers' really believe that stuff. A friend recently had his renovation caravan stolen, a pretty worthless wreck about 20 years old, no interior furnishing at all and a bin liner where the roof vent was missing, parked nose in against a garage and blocked in with a VW transporter and a Luton bodied Transit. A four wheel drive ripped two sets of secure six foot high gates from their posts and pulled the VW forward and the Transit sideways, One of the rear steadies was left behind and according to the police the 'usual suspects' always use that tactic with steadies. They either bend or get ripped off using tow rope.
If caravans were mainly stolen to be sold on, then removing a £1000 worth of cushions might help, As caravan thieves will steal the tattiest of vans and rip off corner steadies I think you and Wickers are dreaming. I'd wager a £1000 that some cheap cut foam and quickly run up covers will suit most thieves I
We have a very good community watch system locally, supported by the Police and CPO's who regularly visit house to house to discuss local issues. We've been warned that hedges and fences should not be considered as part of good caravan security deterrents as they are often ripped out by the thieves using 4x4 and caravans have been dragged through hedges using tow ropes and even with the steadies down.
In one recent local theft the tow car used was thought to have been the vehicle that knocked over a brick wall before the caravn was towed out over the rubble
Aug 2, 2006
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There really is no way of stopping a thief getting their hands on a caravan that they want to get, but I do believe that anything that complicates the process of stealing a van is worth doing, particularly if it is relatively little effort on the part of the owner. I'm not suggesting any of those tips should be used in favour of proper security measures.
On the subject of hedges, V&G Caravans who help with our project vans had a van stolen through a hedge in the summer so have now beefed up their perimeter to prevent it happening again. If you've met Vince, he's not the sort of bloke who'd you want to catch you stealing his van, even less so the dog, yet it happened in seconds and caused massive damage.

As I say, nothing will stop the determined thief...

Oct 9, 2010
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Oh !
I re read the 'article' Nigel and even now I don't think you were suggesting no cushions as an alternative to a Tracker, Alarm or Weel Clamp.
Just finding it very funny for the editor to publish Wickers batty idea that "No-one will steal a caravan without cushions in it" and then go on and say "Then I realised it was actually a genius idea."
A thief is unlikely to notice a sign saying "Stolen" over the number plate but is going to check to see if all the cushions are inside

Come on Nige, loads of caravans have the windows coverd by blinds, curtains or whatever but even if they aren't 'Wickers" thinks that caravan thieving scroats are going to hang around checking out the interiors when they are prepared to steal any old van and damage it during the process despite all the security aids that are on the market

Seems like it was a quiet day and a space needed filling on the web site
if Wickers is serious and cushion removal is a genious 'additional 'security idea, it's a mickey take. Also a lot of people would have trouble storing all the cushions in their homes and others probably would't have room in the car to get them and all the other caravanning contents from a storage facility to home
Jan 10, 2010
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Having been directly involved both in giving advice and investigating thefts of this sort, the information given will deter most thieves or at least make them think about trying somwhere else. with regards to the incidents mentioned the amount of damage done removing and caused to the actual caravan would suggest that it is probabily the scrap metal value that the thieves are after, both the alluminuim and steel, it could even be that the internal soft furnishings are also required.
With regards to ANY theft you will not stop a determined thief you can only make it harder for them


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