Hello Batman,
I'm a little late coming to your thread, but most of whats needed to be said has been said.
Even though some of the replies may have seems a little hard, please don't think they're against you, it's just that we have seen many requests and some of the proposed car and caravan combinations are bordering on the dangerous, and clearly have not been thought through.
Matching a car and caravan is an important step in taking up caravanning. and when you think about it, you're asking your daily runabout to suddenly start towing a trailer that is usually physically bigger than the car and often weighs almost as much. This is going to put a lot of extra strain on the car, so its important to make sure the car and caravan are in tip top mechanical condition.
The driver has the biggest influence on how an outfit will handle, follow the good loading guidelines, and gen up on the speed limits that apply to caravans. There is nothing that guarantees an outfit will be safe, but you can usually improve the margins by taking your time, and especially thinking about defensive driving.
Good matching involves weight ratios, but it also requires a number of equally important other considerations. Some have legal implications, and some are more just for convenience. It can be daunting prospect for the novice caravanner, but the reality is most driver can manages it all with a bit of forethought and preparation. There are towing courses that can help to build confidence, and they touch on many other aspects of towing and especially caravanning.
Back to the forum. - Collectively the forum has masses of experience, and there are some well qualified people who can answer a range of technical questions, but please bear in mind we are not mind readers, and we can't see you, or your car or caravan so we have to rely on whats been written in the posting. We have no idea of who you are, what qualifications or experiences you have or how capable you are of undertaking anything.
Please keep reading and asking - just remember the fool is the person who does not ask the question.