Avondale customer service

Apr 3, 2005
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Hi all, I have a 2003 dart and it is just about to go back and have it's second rear panel fitted.. It's is also going to have the front panel replaced at the same time as this to has cracks!!! This will be the fifth time the van has been in for warranty work the fridge has fallen out, sink surround had to be replaced, shower tray cracked etc etc. I have written to the dealer for some sort of compensation and Avondale has come back with a free service and has extended the warranty by a further year but I think this is not enough! I wrote back to the dealer who has now asked Avondale to call me direct after waiting 3 Days and chasing three times by phone and E-mail Avondale called me back Monday at 4pm and after trying to get them to understand the lack of faith we now have in the van and what they have offered is not enough. She said she would need to talk it through with her boss and call me back in the Morning. Well guess what no call today this just goes to show that I mean nothing to them and they do not care if I am unhappy!! This is why I would like to hear from any others who are having problems with Avondale as I have contacted watchdog and feel it would be better if we had a group. And we are then not just little people on our own. rob@robjevans.freeserve.co.uk
Mar 14, 2005
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If i had a pound for every one that has an issue with Avondale 2003 Darts.....

There appears to be a slight modification made to the rear panel now , in an attempt to prevent the stress cracks in the extreme top corners. Mt service agent ( approved by Avondale) seems to think they may be a little stronger now and that the replacement rear panel he has just fitted to mine should be OK.

Having said that he has now found damp ingress through the overlap outside panel from the door to the rear end !!!!! another trip back and two weeks off the road.


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