Avtex L185 TV

Oct 30, 2006
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Hi, I am think about getting one of those TV's for my 50th birthday, expensive I know, but quality and great viewing angles (unlike the present cheap argos tv we have), I don't think I need the DVD, anyway , today we were shopping in Costco in MK, thought I would look at the TV's , they had a nice Toshiba, good price, DVD and great viewing angles, no greying when you moved, unlike the others on display, took the plunge and brought it, got it home, took it out of the box, then realised the problem.
The base had tiny screws so it's not easy to put it on and off, and once on it would not go back in the box packaged up, that was how we carried the old tv safely, I do not see the point of these tv Bags you buy, when the box it came in is made for keeping the tv safe. I am taking the Toshiba back to Costco for a refund.
My question is does the Avtex base fit in the box made up, for easy travelling, or does it fit on and off easy ?
Thanks for any advice.
Mar 2, 2010
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We have the one with dvd and it fits in bag that came with it OK, but iirc it was in box with stand fixed on.The stand comes off with just 2 screws very easily.It does everything it promises.We did have a problem with the dvd drive and they collected it the day after we called and delivered it repaired with new drive within 36 hours of collection.Much better than Currys or Argos repair service.Although they are not cheap don't regret buying it at all.


Mar 17, 2007
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We bought an Avtek TV recently; can't remember the model but it has built in dvd. Fantastic picture, great sound and good viewing angles. (We were also in Costco crouching down in front of TVs so that we could check the viewing angles-got a few strange looks). Anyway we spent the extra money and got the Avtek and are pleased with it. Ours fits on a wall mounted TV bracket with a few screws. It also has a little stand. Can't tell you if it goes back in the original box (although I think it would because it came with the stand attached, if memory serves), because OH was on a roll with the plastic and also bought a special attache case for the TV to travel in. I really shouldn't let him out unsupervised.



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