Awning depth

May 4, 2019

Other than when on the continent, where pitches can be enormous, we haven't bothered with the awning and have made do. However we now feel now we are missing out on the extra space, seeing friends utilising them fully.
So I will be purchasing a new full awning when buying a new caravan in the not too distant future and am wondering about awning depth.

Is buying a 3m deep awning going to cause me issues getting any pitch I like or do most sites accommodate this size? Or am I getting hung up on a perceived issue, what is the average awning depth anyway? Will I be cursed by my camping neighbours for being too close to them, I want to be a good neighbour after all.


Mar 17, 2007
There are certainly some sites where 3m deep awnings are unwelcome. There are many where it is not a problem. The “standard size” (if there is one,)is 2.5 m.
May 4, 2019
Oh, I didn't think they would be unwelcome at a whole site, I thought it would just be on certain pitches. Maybe I'll take a look at the 2.5m ones instead, I'd rather not come across issues in the first place.

Many thanks Mel.
May 24, 2014
I cant really see the need for a 3.0m awning, unless on a permanent pitch or you have a large family. And if you consider the way most CAMC sites expect you to park, i.e. car, caravan with rear offside to the white marker, and then the awning, plus needing space to both open the car door without pranging the caravan and having room for wastemaster and aquarolls, I can think of an awful lot of sites where this simply wouldn't fit. My feelings are that you would be limiting yourself with a 3.0m in the same that you could with a very big twin axle.

Of course, with all that extra space, Sunday Service could accommodate more souls Reverand. :p I would not be one of them :evil:
May 4, 2019
I had never really noted the lack of space before at the CAMC sites as I haven't bothered putting up the awning... But now you mention it pitches aren't enormous. That is settled. No 3m for me!

Thingy, I was going for a cathedral feel with my massive awning, not the burning Notre Damme style though! My only Sunday service consists of roast dinner! :woohoo: (couldn't find a roast dinner emoji)
May 24, 2014
Over the years I have always had a full awning, in fact it became a sort of habit. No matter what caravan we bought, or what size, it had to be as big as we could get. Then the penny dropped, and wisdom kicked in. We only need a lot of soace for the main summer holiday when grandson number one comes with us. The rest of the time, its just St George and the dragon, so no need for all that space.

Epiphany (sorry, couldnt resist that one). why not have a decent porch and add a tall annex to use as a doorway and extra space in the summer. And there we are, les stress, less hassle, more space in the car and no divorce in a bag. Together, they are almost the size of a full awning.
May 4, 2019
I think I do want the abilitity to have a full awning so will 'passover' having two different sorts. (Yes, that was a bit of a stretch to shoehorn that into a sentence)

I had been considering the Bradcot air awning that you can put up in various parts to make something small, medium and large but I have read a lot about issues with it sealing to the side of the 'van.


Mar 17, 2007
Dorema make a full air awning. Only seen them advertised so can’t comment on how good they are. May be worth a look if you want to go down the Air route. Not cheap, though. Air awnings get a divided congregation on here( no, the religious puns will never stop).
Peace be with you.
May 24, 2014
Well my air awning could have been considered holy. It blew an 18 inch hole in itself. Poles all the way from now on. If you reallt are considering an air awning, there are some very good reviews on Vango and I would think Ventura from Isabella would be well made.
Oct 12, 2013
Thingy said:
Well my air awning could have been considered holy. It blew an 18 inch hole in itself. Poles all the way from now on. If you reallt are considering an air awning, there are some very good reviews on Vango and I would think Ventura from Isabella would be well made.

Pole awning for me all the way now mine is a erected within 45 minutes !
May 7, 2012
I would agree that the Bradcot awning is a good option particularly if you feel a short awning will be enough on short trips.


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