Awning rail - use as clothes line fixing?

Aug 15, 2017
I guess awning rails must be pretty tough to take the buffeting of an awning in strong winds, albeit spread over its length. Anyone any thoughts or experiences of somehow hooking a washing line or some sort of drying frame from it? Obvious fear is a point load would distort it. Are they made to any kind of load bearing standard ... those EU regulators seem to have got their teeth into everything so maybe there's a minimum load bearing rating or something?!?
Jun 20, 2005
An awning fixed to the rail spreads the load. Your proposal will,IMO ,add a very localised loading. Having just replaced my awning rail and associated sealant, a big job, I wouldn’t support your proposal. What’s wrong with the portable rotary washing lines?
Nov 11, 2009
We hang stuff in the awning and use a guy rope rigged between awning and A frame. Also at night stuff gets hung over chairs in awning. During day hung on line strung in van. In winter when it gets a bit difficult we carry a low wattage dryer that keeps towels fresh. Rarely do we need to use the inbuilt tumble dryer.
However please don’t think that the van resembles a laundry as we don’t dhobi that often. On long trips we have been known to spend some ikkies using site facilities.
Oct 12, 2013
I wouldn't be using my awning rail to hook a washing line on for wet stuff , with the weight of the clothes its got a chance to come out but every time we have been away long term for a few weeks we take one of these , never once blew over pegged in with rock pegs.
Jun 26, 2017
Craigyoung said:
I wouldn't be using my awning rail to hook a washing line on for wet stuff , with the weight of the clothes its got a chance to come out but every time we have been away long term for a few weeks we take one of these , never once blew over pegged in with rock pegs.

Is that your stripey cooking apron on the left Craig ? :p
Oct 12, 2013
Icaru5 said:
Craigyoung said:
I wouldn't be using my awning rail to hook a washing line on for wet stuff , with the weight of the clothes its got a chance to come out but every time we have been away long term for a few weeks we take one of these , never once blew over pegged in with rock pegs.

Is that your stripey cooking apron on the left Craig ? :p

No thats me in mine , on left in yellow !! :p
Nov 11, 2009
Craigyoung said:
Icaru5 said:
Craigyoung said:
I wouldn't be using my awning rail to hook a washing line on for wet stuff , with the weight of the clothes its got a chance to come out but every time we have been away long term for a few weeks we take one of these , never once blew over pegged in with rock pegs.

Is that your stripey cooking apron on the left Craig ? :p

No thats me in mine , on left in yellow !! :p

I see that your clothes are hanging in the awning. Good one. Noting the apron if you are ever in central Amsterdam try a half litre or two in The Queen’s Head’ pub in Prinz Hendrik Strasse you’ll be made most welcome.
Feb 23, 2018
Craigyoung said:
I wouldn't be using my awning rail to hook a washing line on for wet stuff , with the weight of the clothes its got a chance to come out but every time we have been away long term for a few weeks we take one of these , never once blew over pegged in with rock pegs.l


Cadac & BBQ fashions aside... isn't that device the magical rain sumoner? I only ever seem them out when its raining! :p



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