I've just bought a 2010 Swift Challenger 540 which the Isabella web site says the A measurement is 984. It then says the Isabella measurement is 975 / 989. Swift's web site says the A measurement is 987.
Has any one got any advice as to which Isabella awning I go for (i.e. the 975 or 989 one)? I just don't want to make an expensive mistake!!
If I went for the 975 size, wouldn't it make the awning a bit tight if the pitch wasn't totally flat?
Thanks for any advice.
I've just bought a 2010 Swift Challenger 540 which the Isabella web site says the A measurement is 984. It then says the Isabella measurement is 975 / 989. Swift's web site says the A measurement is 987.
Has any one got any advice as to which Isabella awning I go for (i.e. the 975 or 989 one)? I just don't want to make an expensive mistake!!
If I went for the 975 size, wouldn't it make the awning a bit tight if the pitch wasn't totally flat?
Thanks for any advice.