Awning size?

Jul 10, 2014
The caravan we're buying comes with a porch awning but I'd like to keep an eye out for a secondhand full awning. Bit baffled by the sizing. I've managed to find out that the awning size we need is 931 but what exactly does this mean? Does it have to be exactly 931 or will any with a size of 925-949 fit (that's what I'm looking at on eBay).

Very confused :unsure:
Jun 11, 2012
Hi Badgermoff To start with 931 means its 931cms long this should be meaured with a length of string traced around your awning rail.To be mure accurate take the string through the awning rail from front to back both ends touching the floor now measure the length of the string this should give you your 931cms .You awning on E bay should be a perfect fit.
Sir Roger
Jan 19, 2002
On site these days there seem to be many more porch awnings of one variety or another than full awnings. Seems to me several advantages - if you change your van the porch can be re-used, lighter in weight, easier to pack and stow if wet (and dry out at home)- and possibly cheaper. These can be either like smaller versions of full awning (like a Ventura Cadet style) or the curvy things (like Kampa Rally style), and of course you have the choice of the curvy style 'air' versions too with no poles to cconstrcut and fit. I think I would suggest visiting a couple of vendors and examine all the options. You will often find that retailers sell both new and used, and will also advise about the sizing. Good luck.


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