Awning Tie down strap

Apr 20, 2009
The only one i can find is a Fiamma 11.0m one, any know where to source a longer one i need at least 14.0m in length.

If all else fails I will use a 15.0m lorry ratchet strap.

Thanks folks.
Mar 14, 2005
Must be quite a large awning ? I would have thought the truck rachet strap would be quite ok so long as you fit some sort of spring at at least one end to allow for awning movement.

Either the concentional metal coil spring or a bungy cord perhaps doubled should do. Don't forget to put in a couple of twists to the strap across the top of the awning to prevent noisy flapping.
Apr 20, 2009
RayS said:
Must be quite a large awning ? I would have thought the truck rachet strap would be quite ok so long as you fit some sort of spring at at least one end to allow for awning movement.

Either the concentional metal coil spring or a bungy cord perhaps doubled should do. Don't forget to put in a couple of twists to the strap across the top of the awning to prevent noisy flapping.

Hi Ray yes it is an large awning, full size for the van which has a body length of 6.5m plus 2.0m each end down to ground and allow for the angle so reckon a 12.0m would do BUT I would prefer a bit of play, have got the springs from previous strap so think the truck one may be the option. Also have protection foam to stop the chaffing.
Feb 6, 2009
Just a thought Gagakev, I have seen car seat belt type webbing 50 mm width for sale,( ebay etc) available in longer lengths at just a tad over £1 per metre (15 metre length for £15.99 including VAT and delivery)

D rings are also available at around £2.50 each (ideally you would have 3 of' 'em although you could just sew in loops instead) and if you are a dab hand with a stout sewing needle and some Terrylene 1mm diameter thread (or similar) then in less than an hour you could be up and running so to speak, for well under £25 or so with your own" bespoke" storm strap.

I don't know the price of storm straps for large awnings at caravan dealers these days as the last one I bought was years ago and this was for a very small 2 berth van ( very different from yours.)

Anyway hope these ramblings may be of use to you or perhaps anyone else reading.
All best and of course
Happy Caravanning
Apr 20, 2009
paws said:
Just a thought Gagakev, I have seen car seat belt type webbing 50 mm width for sale,( ebay etc) available in longer lengths at just a tad over £1 per metre (15 metre length for £15.99 including VAT and delivery)

D rings are also available at around £2.50 each (ideally you would have 3 of' 'em although you could just sew in loops instead) and if you are a dab hand with a stout sewing needle and some Terrylene 1mm diameter thread (or similar) then in less than an hour you could be up and running so to speak, for well under £25 or so with your own" bespoke" storm strap.

I don't know the price of storm straps for large awnings at caravan dealers these days as the last one I bought was years ago and this was for a very small 2 berth van ( very different from yours.)

Anyway hope these ramblings may be of use to you or perhaps anyone else reading.
All best and of course
Happy Caravanning

Thanks Paws, but can do most thing's but draw the line at sewing!!!!
Have found this Ratchet Strap at £12.76 + £7.50 postage so will give it a couple more days in case someone finds me a longer awning one, thanks anyway
Oct 12, 2013
I've got about 3o foot off blue draw cord in the boot which comes in handy for all sorts off things if I needed extra strapping in windy weather as well as storm straps .
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Kev
I'm not a great fan of the outer strap you are after. Had one years ago and did more damage than good.
I use the Isabella storm system. Basically you have an 18" tri section peg hammered into the ground inside the awning at each corner furthest away from the caravan. I use two on the Magnum and three on the full awning. A 1" Web strap with adjustment then slides over the room rail internally a day then onto the peg.This holds the frame securely to the ground and has never failed me.
Obviously the awning itself also needs decent sized pegs.
Good luck whichever way you go.
Mar 2, 2010
I use these plus storm pegs bought from show
Isabella straps are £19.99
Apr 7, 2008
DeliDave_ said:
I use these plus storm pegs bought from show
Isabella straps are £19.99

On our new awning that is up now for the next few months as-well as the standard guy ropes that come with it i have also put one of these on each leg, it's not going anywhere when fastened to these baby's :woohoo: :woohoo: :kiss:
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
Hi Kev
I'm not a great fan of the outer strap you are after. Had one years ago and did more damage than good.
I use the Isabella storm system. Basically you have an 18" tri section peg hammered into the ground inside the awning at each corner furthest away from the caravan. I use two on the Magnum and three on the full awning. A 1" Web strap with adjustment then slides over the room rail internally a day then onto the peg.This holds the frame securely to the ground and has never failed me.
Obviously the awning itself also needs decent sized pegs.
Good luck whichever way you go.

Dusty what damage did it do?
My full plan is as follows;
The external strap over the top with heavy duty scaffold pole protectors (Similar to pipe lagging but thicker)
Going to make my own 18" pegs out of angle iron with rings welded to the top, fitted with springs.
have got the factory fit Dorema storm straps again fitted with springs, the springs will be attached to two of these

These will be fitted with four coach bolts screwed into the sleepers which are perfectly placed to attach to.
That takes care of the two corner poles and the three middle poles will have internal straps, similar to the izzy ones you have linked.
And finally the ladder straps will also be attached the the sleepers using these;

Reckon it should stay in place as the sleepers are buried and form the edging strip between the hard standing and the grass.
Jun 20, 2005
Three very bad chaffs at the two side and centre roof poles. All those years ago I  used bath sponges but they kept working loose. There was also a tendancy for the strap to slip down and off.
Then there was the tattle tail rattle as the wind blew across the strap.
Kev Deli Dave's link is almost exactly the same as the Isabella straps but far cheaper.
Your plan looks good but I bet it will cost a lot more and probably not as efficient as the internal system some of us are using.
Choice is yours . :)
Apr 20, 2009
Thanks Dusty, the reason for the external one was to back up the fixed Dorema straps with the plastic buckle on top was thinking the plastic could give at some time, but on the whole I think I will do away with the external one and have all five legs internally strapped down with the ones Deli Dave uses Or similar, with the Dorema storm straps on the outside

Thanks folks, think it is sorted.
May 24, 2014
Dustydog beat me to it. I can just imagine the noise that the wind will cause with a strap right over the awning. As you say, you have the external Dorema ones with the plastic buckle. An option would be to feed the Isabella type ones near the knuckle on the awning poles (corners) and run it straight down the vertical leg. That would give you two at each side including the external one.

Ahah, just reread the post and I see thats already been suggested.
Jun 20, 2005
The benefit of the internal strap is that it loops around the frame poles thus no stress on any fabric or plastic.Also two less guy lines to trip over.
It goes without saying it is still very important to use long strong pegs to secure the canvas to the ground. :cheer:
Apr 20, 2009
Well folks finally got the awning up on Saturday. (The only dry day we had) :(

The outside of the awning


The inside with three straps to middle poles.


The ladder straps are screwed to the timber using upside down robe hooks.


And finally the storm straps also secured to the timber.



Mar 17, 2007
Were there supposed to photos? If so they seem to have blown away.
Jun 20, 2005
Excellent Kev
Are you sure the caravan is secure :p
The internal storm straps are just the job . Well done I like it.
Are the timbers secured to the ground with scaffold poles or rebar :cheer:
Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
That's the awning strapped down, now to do the caravan. :p

Funny you mention that, when we first visited the site back in January there was a two birth strapped down with two lorry ratchets..............................over the roof :(
Wish I took a picture :(
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
Excellent Kev
Are you sure the caravan is secure :p
The internal storm straps are just the job . Well done I like it.
Are the timbers secured to the ground with scaffold poles or rebar :cheer:

The timbers are approx 12" x 3" ( 300mm x 75mm) and are approx 16ft long each (5.0m) are buried into the ground.


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