Bailey Ranger 510/4L

Mar 14, 2005
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We have just taken del of a new Bailey Ranger 510/4L which we are fairly pleased with. Would like other owners input regarding

1. Cleaning bathroom - apparently only Thetford bathroom cleaner allowed (as opposed to the usual products you would use at home) Any reason why, what do you guys use ?

2. We went away last w/end for 1st time, and it was not that cold overnight, however we found traces of water in the corners of the walls adjacent to the bed, but not on the walls. Is this condensation or a leak...?

3. Not that impressed with the build quality/finish eg work surfaces easily marked, door seal doesnt fit, some joints where the water, vent covers are attached are sloppily sealed - is this typical for a Bailey ?
Mar 14, 2005
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We have just taken delivery of a 2005 Ranger 460/2 and am more than happy with the workmanship on ours. Haven't used it yet so can't comment on the condensation issue. Our previous Bailey looked like new when we traded it in at nearly 9 years old - hope this one is the same!


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