We have two cavalier king charles spaniels who we are convinced enjoy caravanning more than we do, and we enjoy it a lot. both of our dogs are kept on a 8 foot lead attached to a ground spike and both sit happily outside the van or under it in warm weather. We have found that we do not need to hide the dogs from others although we have had to bring them in a few times when the more boisterous kids have been around (those that will not listen). one point regarding the ground spikes though, most of them have a triangulated loop at the top, this loop is usually large enough for a medium sized dog to get its foot through and trap itself the dog in its panick will severly damage its foot and tendons so it is wise to wrap tape round this triangle to prevent this from happening. One quite funny story was when we where on a site in wales and the dogs where on the leads outside the van, my parents next to us and my sister next to them so we had six cavalliers inbetween our vans, at the rear of our vans was a field and some kids wher running about playing tick, one of these kids decided to jump over the hedge right in to the middle of our vans this startled the dogs who all whent ballisytic and two of the males chrged the lad but never touched him as the leads where too short. this lad ran so fast he was blurred to the eye but he soon returned with his father who before asking was demanding the site owner threw us off site for having uncontrolled dogs, next minuite quite a large number of vanners from over the other side came over and told the site owner what had happened and what they had seen, the lads father was having non of this as his child would apparently never tell lies to him, apparently our dogs had atacked him in the field as they jumped over the fence?. the language the childs father was using towards us and the other caravanners was discusting and resulted in him being evicted from the site, something which us and our new found friends enjoyed watching whilst we enjoyed a communal barbecue.