Battery Charger

Mar 14, 2005
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The battery charger in my van has failed. My van, a 94 Lunar Delta, has a 'PMS-4' power management system. The unit no longer provides power to the lights, the battery, everything to be precise. Is there someting simple I may have missed? There are 6 10amp fuses on the front of it and all look healthy. I use my van all the time as I work away from home, so need some info quickly please, that,s if there are any 'bright sparks(!)' willing to help. oh, and does anyone know how much they cost?? Many thanks.
Mar 14, 2005
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Gary - I'm no sparks, but it sounds like there's a fuse gone, as if nothing's working then there must be a disconnection somewhere. Is it like this when hooked up to the mains? How old is the battery? Try a different battery to see if that makes any difference.
Mar 14, 2005
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I'm no electrician but I did have the charger go on my fairly new Avondale Landranger. The fuses should be all detailed in your handbook - some are in weird places!! Some vans have an in-line fuse in the wiring near the charger. Some chargers have a switch on/off the body of the actual unit. I know because I was advised to check all these things before I took my van in for repair. I don't think the charger units are prohibitively expensive but I'm not sure as mine was done under warranty. It certainly did not take long to do as it was just a matter of swapping the old and new unit.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have a two year old Bailey and my charger / transformer failed on my xmas & new year break. Luckily it was covered by warranty, however the cost of a new one was below
Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks to all who responded. I have since took the 'power management system' unit out and had it checked at work. It's circuits have blown, cost of a new board...


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