Battery charging/motor mover

Mar 30, 2018
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Hi all, I am a new member and a total novice where caravanning is concerned. I bought an older (1999) van last year and had a second hand motor mover fitted and a new battery. All worked ok when we used the van last year. We have just been over to the storage place to check on our van and to prepare her for our first outing this year. When we tested the motor mover we couldn't get anything from it i.e. no movement. There were clicking noises coming from the control box inside the caravan but no movement. I wondered if it was because the leisure battery had worn down a bit over winter but when I checked on the control panel inside the van it showed as still being in the 'green' area on the meter. Can anyone tell me if they know what may be the problem and what is the best course of action to fix it please? If I need to charge the battery can I charge it just by plugging my van into the mains electric supply or do I need to disconnect the battery and charge with a battery charger at home?? LIke I said I'm a complete novice, not even sure how to disconnect the battery!! Please help.....thanks. CC.
Nov 11, 2009
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First action should be to charge the battery. Given it’s not been used for so long I would use a proper battery charger as your van probably doesn’t have the later multi stage chargers.


Mar 14, 2005
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A battery will self discharge over a period of time, which is why it is important to remove it if storing the van over winter, and keeping it in a fully charged state at home until you intend using the van again.

Your van being 1999 will have a basic charger which will only charge the battery to 80%, you need to have it at its maximum, so a smart charger at home is the answer.

Leaving a battery discharged will ruin the battery and it will no longer hold a charge.
The indicators in the van are notoriously inaccurate, you need to use a multimeter to check it.

You may be lucky if you charge it now with a smart charger, but in all likelihood it is going to need replacing, depending on how old it is and if it holds a charge.
May 7, 2012
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Have to agree it sounds like the battery and presumably you are getting a false reading. If it was in good condition it should have lasted the winter, but assuming it came with the caravan you may not know if it is old and just needs replacing. I would try a charge though and see what happens.
The battery should have clamps on the terminals, you just undo these with a spanner. If it has crocodile clips these really should be re[placed with clamps.
Mar 30, 2018
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Thanks so much for your advice. We had a brand new 110ah battery fitted last year along with the motor mover so hopefully charging it will do the job! What type of charger would you recommend? I've had a good look through some info and chargers available locally and I'm thinking a trickle charger which stops when fully charged seems to be the I right?
Nov 11, 2009
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I would go for an Optimate as they have features which can help restore a badly discharged battery, and then can be used to continually keep the battery charged without risk of damage. Also they can be used out doors.

The website is Look carefully at the specs as the ascending numerical order doesn’t necessarily equate to suitability for bigger batteries. I use the size 2 which is up to 95 ah and should be close enough for your battery size. But saying that I’ve never had a flat caravan battery as it gets charged periodically when not in use. I’m sure Optimate could advise you.
Oct 12, 2013
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Same here !!
We had a 11oA battery fitted when we got it last may with mover , used all the summer and a bit in the winter but when I went to pick it up a few months go flat as a :sick: !!
Nothing had been left on so I complained to the garage and I got a brand new 12oA replacement under warranty , this time it's getting taken out in the winter!!
Nov 16, 2015
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On our Powertouch, MM. Coming off of a pitch, the symptoms were, similar lots of clacking but no movement, on getting home found the fuse connections for the motor mover were loose. Tightened up and away it went.
Haven't had the Van out for 4 months, but I pull the main Battery fuse in the fuse box , which isolates everything, Fridge, radio , awning light etc. After 4 months and the battery is at 12.9 volts. Battery new 110ah two years ago.


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