Beginner Caravan buyer requires Accessories

Aug 5, 2023
Hi all,

Deposit has been paid and we are now buying our first caravan (woo boo)

Can anyone post a list of all the accessories which we may need for our first pitch :)

Any good tips on what to take with us

Nov 11, 2009
Try this one from the CMHC plus another.

But for starters don’t go mad think about what you really need for length and destination of the trip. Weigh everything that goes in the caravan and make sure you know what is included in your caravans MRO so you can assess your payload. Battery is not in MRO nor are accessories fitted after it left the works or by a previous owner. IE solar panel, motor mover, sat dish on roof, rear bike rack etc. all come out of payload.

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Nov 16, 2015
Don't buy caravan items from the dealers. Lightweight plates and items can be bought from IKea and Dunhelm a lot cheaper. We all go for lightweight items, but thing like glasses I still go for Proper glass.
Have a few trips away and decide what you really want. In our caravan the grill for making toast is rubbish, so we have a two slice toaster.
The kettle, well, after a low wattage 900 w. Went for a 1500 watt one. Rather than wait for 10 minutes to boil.
After a few trips you will learn what you want and what you need.
A good quality bottle opener is essential.
Aug 5, 2023
With the the new caravan I did haggle quite a lot, in my books if you don’t ask you don’t get ;)

With the deal I managed to receive free of charge:
Level Ramp
Hitch Cover (probably given this free anyway)

Anything else I’ll be buying elsewhere :)
Jul 18, 2017
With the the new caravan I did haggle quite a lot, in my books if you don’t ask you don’t get ;)

With the deal I managed to receive free of charge:
Level Ramp
Hitch Cover (probably given this free anyway)

Anything else I’ll be buying elsewhere :)
If the caravan has an onboard tank the wastemaster is part of the package anyway and is included in the MIRO.

More imprtantly have you been able to source a gas bottle as apparently they are in short supply?
Aug 5, 2023
If the caravan has an onboard tank the wastemaster is part of the package anyway and is included in the MIRO.

More imprtantly have you been able to source a gas bottle as apparently they are in short supply?
Really..... the Wastemaster is part of the package? Dealership guy never mentioned this....

We have the Challenger Grande 670 SE and it does have a 30l tank

I'm not sure what all you are supposed to get then with this as included?

Nope not purchased gas yet, didn't know there was a shortage. but we do have a full one of these below so not sure if that will do? We have a garden heater which has hardly been used.

Jan 20, 2023
The standard kit included is usually a step, 25 metre mains cable, winder for the corner steadies, spare wheel and a wheel brace. Everything else (including a jack and a battery) is an additional requirement.
Jul 18, 2017
Also check whether the ALDE fluid is the 2 year oir 5 year variety. I think the 5 year is now standard, but check as it is over £200 to change the fluid.
Nov 11, 2009
Really..... the Wastemaster is part of the package? Dealership guy never mentioned this....

We have the Challenger Grande 670 SE and it does have a 30l tank

I'm not sure what all you are supposed to get then with this as included?

Nope not purchased gas yet, didn't know there was a shortage. but we do have a full one of these below so not sure if that will do? We have a garden heater which has hardly been used.

View attachment 5385
That’s from Flogas who also supply conventional steel propane and butane. I’d get a second Gaslight and being much lighter than steel you save payload. Look at Flogas website for options. I think they come in 5 and 10 kg. One of each could be an option. You don’t always need to carry two. I only carried two bottles when abroad.
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Aug 5, 2023
Ok so is that Gas propane is ok and the cylinder is lighter which is better for Payload :)

And you suggest gettng a second, I think two would be better as a back up.

Jul 18, 2017
If going for the 10kg first check that it will fit into the front locker. Sometimes they will fit, but can be tall and awkward to remove for exchange.
Jul 18, 2017
Ok so is that Gas propane is ok and the cylinder is lighter which is better for Payload :)

And you suggest gettng a second, I think two would be better as a back up.

In the past 19 years we have never carried an additional gas cylinder and have never had an issue with supply. Just means that you need to check the cylinder regularly. Also not carrying the extra cylinder increased our payload. Where the extra cylinder wouldbe mounted we carry a small BBQ so the smell does not go into the caravan. Others carry their wastemaster in there. However your choice.

Over the past 6-7 years we have had a 7.5kg Safefill refillable gas bottle. When full it weighs 11kg. To refill cost us under £10.
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Nov 11, 2009
In the past 19 years we have never carried an additional gas cylinder and have never had an issue with supply. Just means that you need to check the cylinder regularly. Also not carrying the extra cylinder increased our payload. Where the extra cylinder wouldbe mounted we carry a small BBQ so the smell does not go into the caravan. Others carry their wastemaster in there. However your choice.

Over the past 6-7 years we have had a 7.5kg Safefill refillable gas bottle. When full it weighs 11kg. To refill cost us under £10.
If the OP plans to go off grid then two cylinders may be useful as using gas for domestics uses it up quite quickly, especially in cold weather. Having two gives flexibility too as he lives in Scotland where availability of Gaslights may be less than down south. It’s his choice dependant on how he sees the caravan being used. But one positive are that Gaslights use less payload than steel cylinders.
Aug 12, 2023
Wheel chocks. can be blocks of wood. Don't rely on handbrake especially going backwards .
Cheap 1 or 2L plastic jug, you will be amazed how useful it is.
HEADLAMP. Flipflops for around campsite and especially camp showers.
Basic tool kit eg screwdrivers, pliers, if you don't have one in car.
Same for first aid kit. Insect repellant and fly spray.

Battery powered vacuum to keep van floor clean, ideally uses same battery as drill for legs. I also have Ryboi tire inflator (same battery as above) to topup caravan and car tires. There are cheap 12v ones available, but you need car 12v socket close by.

Screw on tap fitting for hose. Any left on taps tend to walk.

Don't go overboard on things like barbecues, outside furniture, awnings until your've done few trips and know what you want. See what things other campers take.
Lot campgrounds have communal barbecues just bring decent scrapper and paper towels.

Most important before you leave home, make sure you have everything to change tire. Don't need to swap wheel but must remove spare (check pressure) if under van , loosen at least one wheel nut and know how to jack up van. See Youtube.
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Jan 20, 2023
Things you DON'T need really eat into your payload allowance. I'm just emptying ours as it goes into the dealers soon for it's first service. We DON'T need:

2 x chopping boards. An entire army of carrier bags. Enough cutlery for 10 people (there are three of us). Magazines from last year. Enough blocks of wood to play life-size Jenga. Enough awning pegs to peg down four awnings. And on and on......... Needless to say a lot of what I'm emptying won't be going back in, but how some of it got there in the first place is a mystery!
Jul 19, 2021
Ok so is that Gas propane is ok and the cylinder is lighter which is better for Payload :)

And you suggest gettng a second, I think two would be better as a back up.

We have the smaller version. Only ever take one gas cylinder with us, they are easy to check how much you have left.
We never go off grid and have never had an issue. As you probably know you can get refills from Homebase or Flowgas and we never seem to be too far away from a homebase when we do get low on gas.

For a twin axle caravan I wouldn't be without our Lock "n" level - best accessory we have ever bought. Air compressor for the LnL and pumping tyres plus a long extension.
Cordless drill for leg winding duties - not essential but I missed it at the weekend when I forgot to pack it
Wood blocks, especially if you go to CL's
Colapse water fill tube
Toilet chemicals of your choice
Pots pans plates etc
salt n vinegar
Alcoholic beverage to celebrate a job well done
small Spirit level
TV remote (ask me how I know :D )
Selection of screwdrivers and adjustable spanner+ gorilla tape for when stuff breaks/falls off and a chepo multimeter for finding why the toilet/tv/taps etc have stopped working
A decent map book, do not rely on satnav alone when planning a journey, especially ones in devon/Cornwall
Nice to have is a MiFi for improving internet access and running an amazon firestick etc
Jan 20, 2023
For a twin axle caravan I wouldn't be without our Lock "n" level - best accessory we have ever bought. Air compressor for the LnL and pumping tyres plus a long extension.
Yep, we had the same on our previous twin axle, one of those gadgets that just makes everything so much easier. I fitted a 12 volt socket on both sides of the caravan (one just inside the door and one in the battery box) via a new feed through a separate fuse to make life easier.
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Jul 19, 2021
Yep, we had the same on our previous twin axle, one of those gadgets that just makes everything so much easier. I fitted a 12 volt socket on both sides of the caravan (one just inside the door and one in the battery box) via a new feed through a separate fuse to make life easier.
great idea, we already have 12 volt supply just inside the door, but battery box is the same size so a cheap extension lead does the trick


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