Being Nosey

Aug 4, 2005
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I didn't know with to post this under Accessories, or technical or wherever as I don't know what it is. Hence the post in the hope someone can satisfy my curiosity.

While away in the caravan at the weekend I noticed that the van next to me ( Bailey Vermont) had on the offside what looked like a narrow fringe threaded through the offside awning channel.I could not think what this could be or of a reason for it. Unfortunately because of the weather (very wet) I never got the chance to talk with the van owners. It looked just like the edge of the awning that goes into the channel but obviously with no awning attached, the van did not have it on its nearside. Its no big deal, just curious as to what it could have been and why.


Sep 26, 2006
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I have heard of people putting these beading lines in the awning channel to stop wee crawlies making homes in there and attracting dirt, it may also stop the build up of grime from the road.Another reason could be to stop the wind whistling through it when it is windy.I'm glad to see other people watch other vans on sites too, I was beginning to think I was the only curtain twitcher out there spying on other people's good ideas.;-)
Aug 9, 2007
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Hi all

Yes I posted this as a top tip on another forum..

Use an old awning skirt cut to about 3 inches wide to include the beading and slide it up the opposite awning rail to where you have the awning. Try and cut it to just over the length of the top rail so it curls around the corners a bit.

The idea is simple ... It flutters a bit in the breeze and flicks the drips away from the caravan so as not to allow black streaks down that side, especially where they are difficult to clean along the top and out of reach.

Of course you don't need it on the other side as you usually have an awning on it.



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