Big bang

Sep 30, 2010
Just outside a small village in Yorkshire is a hill, and at the top is a canon. By tradition going back several hundred years, the canon was fired every night at midnight. (It probably commemorated some battle or other which took place way back) One night the designated canon firer was suddenly taken ill and had no time to find a substitute: consequently an age old tradition was broken: the canon was not fired. As one, the entire population of the village sat up in bed at midnight and said,"By 'eck, what was that?"
Oct 30, 2009
as they say here in yorkshire "there many a true word spoken in a vest"
on meeting up with a old friend I had not seen for many a year I was invited to his house for tea with the wife the next day, half way through tea the house shook as a mainline express thundered past his back garden!!!!!
flipping eck barry how do you cope with that I said!!
"with what" he said


"what trains" he said.

shows one can get used to anything in time I suppose


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