Black ? Membrane around the top front sky light

May 19, 2018
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Hello I’m a new member we have using our sterling Eccles ruby tourer for five years and love it, wouldn’t holiday any other way. We’ve taken the cover off to prepare for our first trip and the black ? membrane that surrounds the front top sky light has perished leaving gaps around the window, just want to know if this is a difficult/ exspensive thing to correct. We have secured the sky light to prevent any water getting in but are feeling frustrated by this. Can anyone offer advise on how to sort this out thank you
Apr 20, 2009
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Richie65 said:
Hello I’m a new member we have using our sterling Eccles ruby tourer for five years and love it, wouldn’t holiday any other way. We’ve taken the cover off to prepare for our first trip and the black ? membrane that surrounds the front top sky light has perished leaving gaps around the window, just want to know if this is a difficult/ exspensive thing to correct. We have secured the sky light to prevent any water getting in but are feeling frustrated by this. Can anyone offer advise on how to sort this out thank you

Hi Richie first off welcome to the forum.

Reading your problem poses a bit of a challenge, perhaps leading to the lack of response so far.
The word membrane is not normally associated with our tin box's.
I would hazard a guess you are talking about the sealant used to seal such items, the sealant is normally a non setting adhesive/sealant combined, Now not knowing your van and just trying to help, the sealant could have been black or white when first applied.
Dont know how old you van is, have you had it from new?
If not I would hazard a guess someone has tried to repair it before you had the van and didn't clean off all the mastic sealant before adding new, New mastic sealant will not adhere to old mastic, hence the gaps which probably means they also used the wrong type of mastic.
I havent actually resealed a sky light but if you are a competent DIYer it would not be that difficult, just make sure you remove all the old masitc or you will have the same problem later.
Hope it helps.


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