I have managed to find a way to prevent draughts from the wheel arch area and at the same time it does not involve drilling the caravan. You will need a piece of polythene approximately twice the size of the wheel arch draught excluder that came with your awning, a length of wooden dowel, and a roll of 2" wide tape, the sort that is like duck tape but is removable. Fit the awning skirt to the caravan with your figure of 8 plastic strip in place,and peg the ends down, fold the polythene in half and put the folded edge in the top slot of the figure of eight, feed the length of dowel into the end of the figure of 8 to hold the polythene in position.The dowel I used was 6mm diameter. Now you offer the double sheet of polythene up to cover the wheel arch, draw around the wheel arch with felt pen , and cut to shape with scissors, fix the polythene to the van with the tape,when you want to remove the cover pull off the tape, roll up the polythene and keep for next time.If you fix the polythene to the wheel arch there is no danger of damaging your paint work when the tape is removed.