Boring technical website thing

Nov 13, 2008
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Dear all
There has a been a security update to the site this morning. We are now using a more secure means of sending and receiving your information - Something called https.

The tech behind it is very boring. And please do not fret that the site was somehow 'insecure' before. We've just swapped it to use technology that Google prefers. It shows this approval with the green padlock and the word 'Secure' next to the web address at the top of the page.

The extra security ensures that when you type in your passwords and the information is sent to us, it is now encrypted, making it very difficult for any hackers to see your login credentials. It was very unlikely they would be looking anyway, but it is better to be safe than sorry!

This may mean you had to login to the site today, whereas you don't usually but hopefully, you shouldn't notice much else. If you do notice anything else which has gone awry, please shout and we will get the hammer out to try and fix it.

Cheers all
Jul 15, 2008
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......It is working well Nigel :)
My computer security no longer warns me that PC is a dodgy insecure website as it previously did at login ;)
Jul 22, 2014
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nrdonnelly said:
The extra security ensures that when you type in your passwords and the information is sent to us, it is now encrypted, making it very difficult for any hackers to see your login credentials.
I am not sure what the worry is.

I'll tell you some secrets : DrZhivago is not my real name! I don't use the same password here as I do for my online banking, and my email address (did I ever even give one? I can't remember) is not the same as any other I have given out anywhere else (each is unique). This is not like Facebook where everyone seems to think it fine to expose all their personal details.

Seems the worse that could happen is that someone else could log in as me and start typing abuse or something (would anyone notice? :lol:) but that is a problem that could be dealt with if it ever arose.
Apr 19, 2017
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At the rate things are going, there soon won't be any http:// sites left. (I keep getting prompts to change my own websites to https//).

The immediate problem is that many open connections (such as BT Fon/Openzone) often require you to (try to) access a NON-secure (http://) website in order to reach their home landing page! This causes a lot of confusion to non-technical users.

C&MC changed to https:// just a few days ago, and already there are reports from people worried because they are getting various 'security' warnings.

I really can't see the obsession with 'security' on a forum site such as this?


Mar 14, 2005
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Wellm after spending a couple of days now looking for the padlock , it aint there !! at least on W10.
Apr 19, 2017
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Damian-Moderator said:
Wellm after spending a couple of days now looking for the padlock , it aint there !! at least on W10.

When viewing the forum, I'm seeing a padlock with an exclamation mark in a yellow triangle. Hovering over suggests that an image is possibly insecure. Certainly my avatar (and I expect many others) is hosted by GRAVATA, who are probably the culprits.

On this page, as I am replying, I just have a green padlock ....there are no images in the active window.

Fascinating isn't it? ;)

(Win7, Firefox)
Apr 20, 2009
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Was going to mention this last night but didnt want to look stupid again!!!!!!!!

Some pages I go on have the padlock and secure , then others have the i https.

Try it and see if it does the same for you :whistle:


Mar 14, 2005
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I have now looked at every section of the forum, including the avatars and I am still not seeing any padlocks, exclamation marks , yellow (or any other colour) triangles
.I feel cheated !!!!!
Apr 20, 2009
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Damian-Moderator said:
I have now looked at every section of the forum, including the avatars and I am still not seeing any padlocks, exclamation marks , yellow (or any other colour) triangles
.I feel cheated !!!!!

Oh dear the Mods been looked out :lol:

By the way I'm on W10 and Chrome, will check tomorrow at work on Fire fox and see what I get.


Mar 14, 2005
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No, not locked out, can still do all the moddy things I need to, and to be honest I am not that bothered as I do not have anything worth stealing through this computer.
Now, maybe if someone wants to put money INTO my account,,,,,,,go ahead I wont be angry !!!! :p
Apr 20, 2009
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Damian-Moderator said:
No, not locked out, can still do all the moddy things I need to, and to be honest I am not that bothered as I do not have anything worth stealing through this computer.
Now, maybe if someone wants to put money INTO my account,,,,,,,go ahead I wont be angry !!!! :p

A bank account and pin number would be helpful......I'll then sort it for you with a few million Euro's which I will transfer from my Brazilian bank account, it's on hold just for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 16, 2015
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No Kev, I have a much better contact from a Nigerian Freind who knows a man in The States who n ;) eeds a contact, account No ,and Pin required please. ;)
Just hope Donalds Mates haven't infiltrated the PC website. :eek:hmy:
Sep 29, 2016
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Damian-Moderator said:
I have now looked at every section of the forum, including the avatars and I am still not seeing any padlocks, exclamation marks , yellow (or any other colour) triangles
.I feel cheated !!!!!

Sorry Damian, but on Firefox and WIN 10, I have the said yellow and exclamation mark icons right now.

Quick check before submitting this post, now reveals Green padlock icon only.

Nov 16, 2015
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Just noticed a lot of peoples Avatars have disapeared, including Damians. ?

And suddenly come back again.
And its not the Glayva.
Jun 19, 2016
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Exclamation mark and site possible not secure here and sometimes green padlock Chrome on W!0 and Firefox, this could be something to do with the advertising as it says images aren't secure.

Edge shows the padlock and secure


Nov 12, 2009
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I haven't noticed any triangles, padlocks or exclamation marks.
What I have seen is around 100 spam postings submitted at around 3am this morning, we've been got at!
I've deleted all of the rubbish that I could find and banned our industrious spam merchant, I'm off for my early morning cuppa now B)
Mar 14, 2005
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Parksy said:
I haven't noticed any triangles, padlocks or exclamation marks.
What I have seen is around 100 spam postings submitted at around 3am this morning, we've been got at!
I've deleted all of the rubbish that I could find and banned our industrious spam merchant, I'm off for my early morning cuppa now B)

It seems you know how to enjoy yourself ;)


Nov 12, 2009
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ProfJohnL said:
Parksy said:
I haven't noticed any triangles, padlocks or exclamation marks.
What I have seen is around 100 spam postings submitted at around 3am this morning, we've been got at!
I've deleted all of the rubbish that I could find and banned our industrious spam merchant, I'm off for my early morning cuppa now B)

It seems you know how to enjoy yourself ;)

Life on the edge Prof! :lol:
My daughter in law had to be in Leicester for 8am and to avoid my little granddaughter having to be up at 6:00 am I did the honours. :)
Apr 20, 2009
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Gagakev said:
Damian-Moderator said:
I have now looked at every section of the forum, including the avatars and I am still not seeing any padlocks, exclamation marks , yellow (or any other colour) triangles
.I feel cheated !!!!!

Oh dear the Mods been looked out :lol:

By the way I'm on W10 and Chrome, will check tomorrow at work on Fire fox and see what I get.

So at work I had the i and the padlock and then the yellow triangle which I think appeared when the adverts started, could be wrong but could the adverts relate to the triangle.?


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