Breakdown cover

Oct 27, 2005
Have just found out that the Auto Aid breakdown cover pay & claim has now put a restriction on the size of caravan, so no longer any good to us. I need to join somewhere by the end of the week - any recommendations. I was thinking as we have a new car is there any point, but you do feel a bit vunerable with a van on the back if anything happens. I have rung Mayday for a quote but they are quite expensive. Denise
Mar 14, 2005
The only ones who do not have a restriction on the size and weight of the caravan is the RAC if you were to join through the C&CC. All others have the restriction. As far as Green Flag are concerned I had a bad experience with them almost two years ago and immeadiately swapped over to RAC. haven't used them yet, thank God so do not know what their service is like. Stress mind you must join through the C&CC to get this privalage as ordinary membership will impose the restriction like all others.
Oct 27, 2005
The only ones who do not have a restriction on the size and weight of the caravan is the RAC if you were to join through the C&CC. All others have the restriction. As far as Green Flag are concerned I had a bad experience with them almost two years ago and immeadiately swapped over to RAC. haven't used them yet, thank God so do not know what their service is like. Stress mind you must join through the C&CC to get this privalage as ordinary membership will impose the restriction like all others.
Colin, Mayday have no restriction on the size of the van, well thats what they told me on the phone anyway. Denise
Mar 14, 2005
The only ones who do not have a restriction on the size and weight of the caravan is the RAC if you were to join through the C&CC. All others have the restriction. As far as Green Flag are concerned I had a bad experience with them almost two years ago and immeadiately swapped over to RAC. haven't used them yet, thank God so do not know what their service is like. Stress mind you must join through the C&CC to get this privalage as ordinary membership will impose the restriction like all others.
They had a restriction when we were with them two years ago - the only way round the restriction we found was to join the RAC through the C&CC.
Mar 19, 2007
CC&C not the only organisation to get around the length rule with RAC. We are with the RAC through Club Toyota for car and caravan and specifically checked such restrictions. Another advantage is that although my wife drives she does not tow and the RAC cover this. As happened, last year in France, she not have to tow home, we were recovered from Le Mans back to Cumbria. Look at all options of joining RAC, our experience was very good.
Mar 14, 2005
The only ones who do not have a restriction on the size and weight of the caravan is the RAC if you were to join through the C&CC. All others have the restriction. As far as Green Flag are concerned I had a bad experience with them almost two years ago and immeadiately swapped over to RAC. haven't used them yet, thank God so do not know what their service is like. Stress mind you must join through the C&CC to get this privalage as ordinary membership will impose the restriction like all others.
More Than do not have any restriction either.
May 12, 2006
Alan, " CC&C not the only organisation to get around the length rule with RAC. We are with the RAC through Club Toyota for car and caravan and specifically checked such restrictions.

Alan in the Toyota Breakdown Cover Document it states that caravans over a certain size will not be recovered should the towing vehicle breakdown. I spent a long time on the phone with Toyota and the RAC trying to clear this up. Do you have this in writing ??? Sorry not trying to hi jack the thread just curious.

Val & Frank

ps the RAC suggested I use the C&CC
Mar 19, 2007

No I don't have it in writing but have been assured over the phone that there is no problem. If you say you have had problems with them I shall pursue this again as soon as possible and update the thread with anything I find out.

Mar 19, 2007
Just had a reply from Club Toyota and they now say that "Caravans up to 25ft in length are covered for recovery, but not if repairs are required to the caravan rather than the vehicle".

We are 26ft, so I hope if we ever need recovery the driver doesn't have a long tape measure with him!
Nov 26, 2006
So, your van is too long, and if something goes wrong with the van - say brake failure or wheel bearing - they won't deal with it anyway, even if they didn't notice the extra length.

Their call centre probably has access to caravan details, so the driver would just ask, if the centre didn't when you called.

In other words, you haven't actually got any cover for the van at all.

I think I would want to change company.
Apr 17, 2005
Hi Denise,

I am probably too late for your 'end of week' deadline, but if not, the following may be useful:

I am a CSMA (Civil Service Motoring Association member) and use Britannia Rescue. The 'scheme' I am on gives me (for around


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